View Full Version : HTML database help

6th May 2007, 01:32 PM
hey guys, just wondering if anyone knows how to do something like this

http://www.cvap.com.au/?Display=1&All=...ch=Alloy_wheels (http://www.cvap.com.au/?Display=1&All=0&CAT=Alloy_wheels&CAR=0&Search=Alloy_wheels)

Just want to make a simple database/record thing on a site im doing, but not sure what its called

ive been searching on the net but havnt been able to find a tutorial about it

im pretty sure this is xhtml/xml but havnt had luck with the net.

thanks heaps


6th May 2007, 02:05 PM

6th May 2007, 02:06 PM
Yea I think it is,but I really dont want to go down that route as I know sql but I havnt learnt php yet so dont really want to learn now

6th May 2007, 02:23 PM
go sick here


6th May 2007, 02:53 PM
yeah, its pretty much gonna be PHP with a MySQL backing. W3 schools and google are normally the best resources you can get.

If you have access to Visual Studio, however, the same thing (but much prettier) can be achieved using some simple aspx pages and commands and an access database. Problems: Visual Studio is not cheap to buy retail, and you need hosting that supports .NET (not everyone does).

6th May 2007, 02:53 PM
php or asp.. and mySQL http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/tup.gif

poose driftspec beat me http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/tongue.gif

6th May 2007, 04:10 PM
Yea ive got visuals studios, ive just done it another way, cbf learning php now, going to have to do that on uni holidays or something thanks anyway guys

7th May 2007, 11:58 AM
Yea ive got visuals studios, ive just done it another way, cbf learning php now, going to have to do that on uni holidays or something thanks anyway guys[/b]

Pretty easy to do, if you know any kind of structured language (C variants, Java etc) and understand how HTML headers and cookies work, its fairly easy. That and the fact that there are so many free tutorials to help you learn, its pretty sweet. Have done some fairly basic stuff with it before (mainly ripping data off forms, processing it and emailing it) but the principles are the same with databases. PHP is also on my list of things to learn, but theres a few things ahead of it now...