View Full Version : ARIAS 4AGE PISTONS

6th June 2007, 11:58 AM
im and thinking of getting a set of these and was wondering what else i would need to get 2 run them

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ARIAS-All-M...sspagenameZWDVW (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ARIAS-All-Motor-pistons-4AGE-1-6L-88-92-MR2-81-5mm_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33623QQihZ019QQitem Z8045220857QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW)

6th June 2007, 08:59 PM
nothing just an engine builder maybe a machine shop if the gudgens or small ends needs to be resized.
gasket kit
may aswell put bearings in it.

not shaw what compression they are standard but you may have to retard the timing.

6th June 2007, 09:23 PM
Stock bore of a 4AGE is 81mm so i need bore it to 81.5 right ?
whould it be a good idea to get new valve springs i was thinking of
HKS valve springs and what power figures should i be looking at with
Forged pistons how much of a power increse

6th June 2007, 09:40 PM
Stock bore of a 4AGE is 81mm so i need bore it to 81.5 right ?
whould it be a good idea to get new valve springs i was thinking of
HKS valve springs and what power figures should i be looking at with
Forged pistons how much of a power increse[/b]

will you even get a power increase with just going fogred pistons?
if the compression etc is the same. and thers no tune difference it should be similar power to stock.

6th June 2007, 09:51 PM
not sure what the stock compression is on a big port 4age but these
piston are soposed to give 10.7:1 Compression

6th June 2007, 10:25 PM
lol man use some brains ethan your droping forgies in a engine why the fuck would'nt you mechine the head

there forged pistons were not talking pod filters there a big boys mods 600-800 a pop there not cheap and esspecally if it's not built right

for starters have you even seen the bore on the enigne how do you know it's not os?

second how do you not no the bore is not worn or pitted past "0.5mm"

thirdly .5mm is massive in engine speak every thing is mearsured in tho's aka one thousands of a mm or inch what ever swings you boat girl metric system or mens imperial

if you were going to drop forged pistons in you would take the benift of mechineing the head,porting,flowing then aftermarket springs retainers oh and new valve seals next you would need new bottom end bearings if you were going forgies your no granny driver so you would want beefed up gear then theres gaskets, hd mains,sump,cam seals,rocker etc then you need the building suplies plastic gage,locktite etc

then theres the shitty little things like polishing the oil fliter valley, etc

one would not go to the big extent of fitting forgies and not carry on the other surporting mods it'll be shit house and a waste of time and money and ending up fuirt less

oh and in theory yes you would gain displacement in boring her up thus in "theory" gaining torque and power you could even argue it'll make it even more over square and make it revy'er thats if it's even noticeably you could brag about how it's now no longer a 1.6lt

the rule of thumb is ruffly if your've got a 10.5:1ish comp,cams,carbs(efi) etc with the sporting mods it shoud have 100hp/lt give or take (at the fly)

10.7 is fucking high for the street need to run 98 only

6th June 2007, 11:39 PM
its not worth putting these awesome pistons in if you haven't done the rest of the engine in the same fashion. if you just do whats required to use them its still only going to be as powerful as a smallport /20v but be twice the cost.

7th June 2007, 12:26 AM
The 4age is getting :

springs retainers
valve seals
new Gaskets


just want the engine 2 withstand a good thrashing so i thought Forgies

Hen is a total nutcase
7th June 2007, 11:31 AM
I tend to agree with Sam.

Rocket, it sounds like you are rebuilding an engine to standard specs. Forged pistons as opposed to cast have ZERO effect on power. The higher compression will improve things a bit, but there are many other cheaper ways to achieve that. I'd suggest looking at cams first, and maybe some headwork.

But most importantly research why engines make power and what you need to change to increase the power produced, and then what also needs to be changed to make things reliable with the new gear. And by research I don't mean read catalogues or eBay.


7th June 2007, 06:02 PM
take it easy guys, he's just asking... and last time i checked that was one of the main reasons for forums...

though the boys are right, it won't really improve your power, and maybe some good head work would be a better idea (cams, springs, cam gears, proting, flowing etc), but they would be better than stock pistons dude...

7th June 2007, 07:49 PM
would be the same as stock pistons I think if you shave the head a bit to raise the compression