View Full Version : Will a k50 shifter fit into a t50?

10th June 2007, 05:14 PM
Hi everyone, as the topic states: I need a gear shifter for my t50 gearbox. can i take my k50 shifter stick out and fit it in the t50?

Also another completely unrelated question: Will a 4kc ke70 starter motor fit on a t50?


Jonny Rochester
10th June 2007, 05:23 PM
No and no.

But feel free to try and fit the K50 shifter. If you try hard enough and change something it could fit. You can use the shifter from a T-18. It has a slightly different bend but works the same.

For starters see the Tech Article. I tryed to list every starter that fits the 4A-T50. Basicaly, any starter off a AE82, or AE92 with 4A-GE, or AE71 or AE86.

10th June 2007, 05:44 PM
Damn. Oh well, thanks for that. i'll try and fit the shifter anyway.

I found your tech article too. good stuff there. thanks

11th June 2007, 02:54 AM
I beg to differ on the shifter Jonny.

I've always been running a K-40 shifter in my T-50 and only saw a T-50 shifter for the first time the other day to notice the kink in the shaft. Then again my T-50 is in a KE70 if that makes any difference.