View Full Version : T25 to 4AGZE: Oil/water line fittings

21st June 2007, 03:38 PM
Hey guys,

I'm having some real issues trying to get the right fittings to put my KKR330 (T25 replacement) onto my AE101 4AGZE block. I know exactly where everything needs to go, and I'm pretty happy with all that, but for the life of me I cannot find someone to get me the fittings I need. Basically I need a fitting that goes from my adaptor tee piece, to the block (tee is not tapered thread!), then one from the tee to the turbo (small line too, so I don't flood the turbo with oil), then some big braided line (-10 I think) from the turbo to the sump (sump plug already installed!), as well as water lines with fittings.

I'm in Capalaba, and I went and saw Autobarn, Repco and Cresta, and they all said go to Mike Vine. So, I went to Mike Vine, and he will not supply fittings, as he's had legal problems where he's supplied the fittings, but people haven't understood the fact turbo's create like 900+ degree's C of heat under long period of pressure, and consequently people have lost their cars.

Horsepowerinabox have a kit (fully braided!), to suit high-mount T20/5/8 type turbo's, but costs a massive amount, we're talking $285, and I already have a lot of fittings as is. Do I need to resort to this, or is there another alternative?

Hen is a total nutcase
21st June 2007, 04:16 PM
Try places like Pirtek and Enzed and hydraulic/pneumatic supply places. They are usually a good start. If they can't help you they can often point you in the right direction. Failing that just try the yellow pages.

I find it's a prick because all the good types of places are miles away from my place/work and aren't open on weekends.


21st June 2007, 04:59 PM
Do you know what threads are what?

As in do you know what type of thread needed for turbo fitting and water fitings on the turbo and on the engine.

Also do you know how small the line has to be for the feed so it doesnt let too much oil in?

If you have all this info maybe you could try Motor Sport Connections down here in NSW (seven hills).

Phone them up (they are open sat) and explain what you have. You may solve some of the issues. I got all my fittings from them but it was heaps easier for me, cause i brought the stuff to them and said i want to fit this to this...

21st June 2007, 05:10 PM
Nope, I do not know how to classify fittings by measurement. If someone could post a guide or something, that'd be heaps good, lol.

21st June 2007, 05:20 PM
Hmm ok. Well go to pirtek/enzed with the turbo and the oil pressure sender.

Apparently the t-piece can crack if screwed into the block (from vibrations) so i got a piece of braided line > t-piece(mounted on engine) > the oil pressure sender and another braided line to the turbo...

What type of water lines is it? Two threads? Id suggest using banjo fittings if you want to use rubber hoses.

Couple of pics here:


Notice the water lines (covered in heat proof) and the braided line dangling.

21st June 2007, 08:26 PM
enzed! they sell speed flow fittings take the turbo and they will organise the lines and threads sizes for you! T25/8 has a different oil inlet thread to the kkr turbo!!!!