View Full Version : Spring Rates/Heights of King Springs

15th July 2007, 11:09 AM
Gday Everyone!!
I am just curious if anyone knows the spring rates and heights of King Spring Lows at all?? If anyone has any pics at all of these springs on thier car at all either, that would be great!
Also what shocks did you run with these King Springs in the rear??
Just doing some homework on rear springs :)
Regards, Ben.

haado gei
15th July 2007, 11:42 AM
the hight and rates of king springs is "less than desirable"

15th July 2007, 11:52 AM
the hight and rates of king springs is "less than desirable"[/b]



I used standard replacement shocks, they were well and truly captive as they ned to stay road legal with standard shocks. good for a street car!

I have a full set if you are after some

15th July 2007, 12:15 PM
Ring up King springs and ask for specs, thats what I did

15th July 2007, 02:28 PM
dude NO!

I know you want them because like 'every other ke/ae owner you have no money' and you can get them through work for $2

im sure they are for your n2?

they are MARGINALLY stiffer than stock

no good even for a hills only car

I will do you trade on my springs....or at least tell you the specs

15th July 2007, 02:46 PM
I had kings lows in my ae71, you can see the heights in the members rides section (rear ae71/ae86 kings are the same)

They were way, way way too soft, made the car pitch and roll quite a bit - I have since changed to 8kg/6kg springs and the difference can be measured in light years handling wise

16th July 2007, 03:13 PM
As I said, I am just doing my homework on different spring and rates, as I am not as knowledgable as all you other Drift Kings.......pfft :rolleyes:

Yes, I can get stuff VERY CHEAP, and I actually have LOTS of money, (more than anyone on here) but why would I want repainted other brand springs with your stickers on them Dave???

I am not going too buy King Springs, but wanted to know the spring rates and how high they sit. I also wanted info if anyone else had used them in thier vehicles. That was all...

16th July 2007, 03:41 PM
As I said, I am just doing my homework on different spring and rates, as I am not as knowledgable as all you other Drift Kings.......pfft :rolleyes:

Yes, I can get stuff VERY CHEAP, and I actually have LOTS of money, (more than anyone on here) but why would I want repainted other brand springs with your stickers on them Dave???

I am not going too buy King Springs, but wanted to know the spring rates and how high they sit. I also wanted info if anyone else had used them in thier vehicles. That was all...[/b]

LOL I actually have lots of money,

16th July 2007, 04:03 PM
woah steady on there boys, take it easy...it's know one else's business how much money anyone has or doesn't have.

as for the springs yeah too soft, king springs for a falcon however are the way to go, gota cut them though, but they are nice and stiff :2thumbs:

you might be lukcy to find a falcon at the wreckers that has king springs in it, and wreckers dont charge much for 2nd hand springs

but if you say you have "lots of money" then just get some from that ajps guy, if I had the cash thats what I'd be doing

16th July 2007, 04:12 PM
Had your period today medwin46???

How about you check all of my past posts and see how much SHIT I get from all the children on here, before you start loudmouthing me!!!!!
it's actually the idiot tools like YOU who post stupid shit like that that gets threads going NOWHERE!!!!!! You silly fuck!!! A lot of you idiots on here must wear crash helmets full time....you're so dumb!!! Stay out of my thread, unless you something important to say about my thread!!!!! Jesus Christ.......

16th July 2007, 04:18 PM
Na just sick of wanna be drift kings like yourself telling the whole world how much you've got and how much no one else has, when really you know nothing about everyone on here who you've got a lot more money than....

Im cool with it though, you stick to your N2 kitted pretty-but-slow 86, and get back to shit kicking and pretending you know a lot about everything that you really know nothing on, I got work to do. ;)

16th July 2007, 04:30 PM
First - I dont drift at all...never have and have no intention too.....

Second - If your "cool" with it....then why are you winging???

Thirdly - I dont know everything actually Medwin46, and I will actually admit that.....not like a lot of people on here.

And finally - I do have a N2 Kitted AE86, but it makes me happy too know that you will never have one....cos you wont have the money!!!

I have work too do aswell dickhead, making all my millions.......hahahahaha you stupid child!!!

Stop wasting my time!!!

16th July 2007, 04:54 PM
You can get one for $800 can you???? Order me 10 kits please.......
I like it how all of you kids seem to know all about me.......Oh...JDMCOUPE it's you again, a serial pest and stalker here on AE86 Driving Club.....
And if I wanted to get on a high horse, Ill jump on your mum!!!!!!

I bet the moderators will have a field day with this thread, thanks to all you guys writing stupid shit in it!!!
Pfft.......Like I said, you're all children.

16th July 2007, 04:56 PM
Sorry I had to delete all that. Keep it clean and respectfull guys. - Jonny

16th July 2007, 04:58 PM
lol helps if your good mates with beau...the GUY who made your kit...

I like how you seem to know and judge everyone else???? "I have more money then everyone"

I'm going to close this thread...then forward your attitude onto admin and let them sort it out


I agree with medwin again ;)

16th July 2007, 05:02 PM
Woo Hoo Looks like a stern warning here!!!!

16th July 2007, 07:32 PM
ben, you say I constantly attack you and your brother, it's basically all in jest, except with good reason behind it

my springs arent re badged, they are made under contract for me, to all of my specs which I develop myself

LOTS of companies do that

is toyota shit because hella make headlights for them?

I thought being in the auto parts trade you would know this but clearly not

you cause conflict in almost every thread, perhaps you need to ask yourself why

big noting your financial status on here is going to win you no friends, every for sale thread you have is like HAVE TO SELL ASAP, etc have to buy my paint ball gun etc....

anyway have a nice day re locked

feel free to call me, my number is hardly secret

17th July 2007, 12:47 AM
I have had this thread bought to my attention by a number of users today, none of which are actually involved in the thread itself, just members fed up with this sort of behaviour.

it's now nearly midnight, I've just got home and it appears the thread has been heavily edited

HOWEVER some were clever and forwarded myself copies of replies.


you all have either deleted posts or have had to have your posts edited by another mod, this leads me to believe the content of your posts to be of a "questionable" standard.

be advised abuse of members/mods is not tolerated. The very creation of my position was to reduce this. this is the first major instance of this occuring since the AE86DC public relations role was implemented.

you may not enjoy the result but a standard must and will be set

I will be talking with Johnny Rochester in order to determine the severity of warn or possible suspension of accounts as he edited the posts and hopefully has a good memory as I do not have at this stage any evidence as to who has said what.

read these threads if you have no idea what I'm talking about

http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forum/index...showtopic=17190 (http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forum/index.php?showtopic=17190)
AE86DC PR ^^

http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forum/index...?showtopic=5101 (http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forum/index.php?showtopic=5101)
Forum Rules^^

17th July 2007, 12:48 AM
deleted post

gillys got me covered :lol: