View Full Version : How do I get more power?

The Enthusiast
22nd July 2007, 01:02 PM
being on my green P's for another year, I can't turbo my car and
was looking for alternate ways to get a little bit more power out of my hachi

I want to stick with the 4age (and it's original engine capacity) and was wondering

would a straight through 2.5inch exhaust and extractors really do much

and do things like forged pistons and different cams really serve a benefit when trying to obtain a little
more power from the 4age.

Any ideas would be great!

thanks and regards


22nd July 2007, 01:39 PM
First I don't know where you are but in some states you aren't even allowed to have a modified car so even a 4AG sprinter is illegal.
Exhaust and extractors will give you a bit more power but nothing too exciting. I think things like cams and high compression pistons are where the big powers at. Also depending on the health of your 4AG a rebuild to freshen it up might do a lot for power.
I'm sure some of the gurus here can tell you how much you'll get from what and give you lots of other things to do. It just depends how much you've got to spend and how much you want out of your engine.

The Enthusiast
22nd July 2007, 01:57 PM
only got about 3k might push 4k

it's running a 89 kw 4age was originally FWD version

the hachi runs 70.4 RWKW

would like to get engine in the vicinity of 110 kw na and run close to 100 Kw at the wheels

Jonny Rochester
22nd July 2007, 03:12 PM
<be>You need camshafts with more duration. </be>

cams with closer to 300 degrees duration. (Maybe 275 degrees @ 50 thou?)
cams have to be timed roughly within ballpark or what works best. Somewere between 100 and 110 degrees lobe centre. Closer to 100 degrees will give more top end power.

Then you need a adjustable fuel supply system or some sort. Meaning, either have a programable computer, or be able to change carbie jets.

2" exhaust should be ok, a lot of people get 2.25".