View Full Version : Quick questionn

10th August 2007, 12:23 AM
So i pretty much got the most pathetic fine ever tonight, i was driving home from a friends house, and went through town were all the hoons hang out thursday night. Saw a friend driving the other way just tooted my horn and then a cop walked out behind a wall and told me to pull over. $45 for beeping my horn haha, im only on one point at the moment. I shouldnt loose any points should i?

But then he started to ask me about all the shit on my car, ie oilcooler, height, position of # plate, i just acted dumb and told him i bought the car like that.
Then he got out the camera and took some photos, he didnt auctually say to me to go to dept of transport but suggested that i should. Im not going to go, im going to take all the stuff off tomarrow. If they call me up and my car isnt defectable at the present time they cant defect me for how it was a couple weeks ago can they?

anyway im pretty pissed of.

10th August 2007, 12:30 AM
beeping your fuckign horn!

what teh fuck are cops doing these days

as if the new hoon laws arent bad enough

now theres horn laws too

what the fuck!

gl man

10th August 2007, 01:27 AM
Thrown out in court

10th August 2007, 01:37 AM
Well it is illegal to beep your horn when not needed and sorry i personally hate people when they beep their horn over small shit in traffic, can be distracting.

But yeah he was fuckhead, might aswell pay it, not worth brining attention to your car or wasting your time going court over.

10th August 2007, 02:04 AM
he was doing his job. cry.

10th August 2007, 08:48 AM
Yeah i am gonna pay it, i dont really give a crap about the fine itself, $45 is nothing.
But the main question is in a few weeks can he ring me up and ask me to go to dept of transport?

10th August 2007, 09:02 AM
whats dept of transport ? is that like VicRoads

but wtf man thats just BS

10th August 2007, 12:36 PM
Horn laws are universal in Australia... unfortunately they can't even be used to beep at other traffic cars, I think the law is they can only be used for stray animals on the road. Sorry dude :(

But I don't think they can tell you to go to QLD Transport, unless he wrote a ticket for what was on the car. If they didn't write anything at the time, I don't think they can (legally) do any more than that.

10th August 2007, 10:53 PM
go up to the cop flop ur fanger out n tell him it wont suck itself. dont change a thing there really isnt anything they can do about a past picture. if there had to be something going to court it'd be you sueing him for invasion of privacy. u didnt give him permission to take photos of ur shit so he can suck a fat one. do u recall his name?

11th August 2007, 12:19 AM
go up to the cop flop ur fanger out n tell him it wont suck itself.[/b]


11th August 2007, 12:50 AM
one good question:

does your horn play the "la cocaracha"? or does it sound offensively sharp?

laws on horn usage are really retarded theses days...

wat now? horn are only to be used as an indicator that youre dead/unconscious to an event of a crash while your head is smudged all over the steering wheel?

11th August 2007, 04:17 AM
one good question:

does your horn play the "la cocaracha"? or does it sound offensively sharp?

laws on horn usage are really retarded theses days...

wat now? horn are only to be used as an indicator that youre dead/unconscious to an event of a crash while your head is smudged all over the steering wheel?[/b]

gotta say i can state no occasion when a horn should be used other than to prevent an accident, or to scare livestock outta the way. basically all other uses are abusive. your case is an exception though, cos u were honkin at a mate.

sucks you got done for that.

mates who live in the city in syd reckon horns should be banned lol, only cause stress and are used by wankers for abuse, even when nothing can be done to prevent the honking. hate to live near an intersection. f***ing noise pollution.

dont press it unless it helps someone or saves an accident. that's my logic on the reason for a horn.

11th August 2007, 10:32 AM
should of said you mate lights wernt on and your were alerting him to that fact... but by the sounds of it he would of seen you mate anyway :(

wheres your oil cooler when you drive around normally?

11th August 2007, 01:30 PM
^^^ just under his grill

check his members thread