View Full Version : Volumetric Efficiency

17th August 2007, 12:50 PM
Hey guys,

Just wanted to know if anyone here has the VE ratings for the stock 4A series engines, everything from the 4A-C to the AE101 4AGZE and AE111 4AGE. Out of interest mainly. :)

Thanks. :D

21st August 2007, 04:32 PM
as much as I would like to know this myself I dont think this can be measured so easy. I think your only chance would be to find out various flow bench results from people.

22nd August 2007, 12:44 PM
You should be able to do a BMEP comparison quite simply however which can be used as a very basic guideline for comparison. I don't claim any expertise in this realm though - i'd rather be designing engines instead of pipelines believe me.

FYI, BMEP = brake mean effective pressure, as I recall.

Just googled BMEP and found this straight away - might help you. As i remembered, it is a very elementry calculation so you can do it easily.
