View Full Version : start up problem

22nd August 2007, 12:09 AM
hi folks... ive got an intermittent problem thats arisen over the past few days. it seems to happen only in the mornings, but when i go to start the car it doesnt kick over at all for the first 2 or 3 attempts. ie: the starter motor doesnt even kick over at all, it just goes 'tick tick tick' like when the battery is flat.. but then everything is ok..

whats dying?

any help would rock

22nd August 2007, 12:13 AM
check all power leads, get multimeter and test charging system, check battery fluid and condition, and terminals

22nd August 2007, 12:54 AM
Double check your battery too, a dead cell or two can cause those issues. Grab a multimeter (either electronic or auto-electrician spec) and check the battery, acceptable range is from about 11V - 12.5V (or so). Also test the voltage of the car when its turned on (ie charging), voltage should be about 13 - 14V.

So the car actually starts after the ticking noise?

22nd August 2007, 09:51 AM
perhaps its not earthing probably?

Had a similar problem with mine... would sometimes tick and not work at all, sometimes worked no problems.

22nd August 2007, 09:54 AM
starter motors dont last forever you know.

take it out and give it a clean, or buy another one

22nd August 2007, 10:03 AM
yah also check the like actuator wire to the starter motor, cause they can be like broken cause of the olds nees off the vechile, u may wan to connect a realy to this wire and that has solve the problem for me in the past. Sorry about the shitty explanation, but i hope u get the idea.

btw the actuator wire is the like smaller of the 3 wires comming off the starter motor. ill get a pic if its not raining tonight.

Have fun :2thumbs: :2thumbs:

22nd August 2007, 01:27 PM
thanks for all the replies guys.. ill have a look when i get home from work tonight and check everything thats uve mentioned.. it always starts, just sometimes it doesnt even kick over the starter at all.. weird..

22nd August 2007, 02:23 PM
sounds like the old volatage drop in the starter solenoid circuit trick!!! (generally caused by old contacts throughout the wiring in the car) had this happen on my ke70, very annoying, as like you say, it works perfect sometimes, but other times you gota roll start the damn thing...

*generally* there are 2 wires on starter motor, main power direct from the battery (+ve) and a little trigger wire that comes from the ignition barell, you need to put the relay in the little wire.

ive fixed bother my ke70, a mates CA18 slowvia, and believe it or not, deleta's mum's car:P

very common on old cars.

i can draw up a wiring diagram for you tonight if you want (at uni at the moment), its relatively simple if you know how to connect wires to a relay.

send me a pm if you need a diagram.


edit, i just found a diagram i did up a while ago, it hasnt got the pins for the relay, but gives you an idea on how to wire it up, S= starter motor


22nd August 2007, 02:24 PM
haha very funny always with the yah mum jokes lol, but yah thats what i was trying to say dave is just smarter and stuff ^^^^^^^

22nd August 2007, 07:25 PM
happen to me before, sometime its ok, sometimes its not, still have this problem even after i replace with a new starter, my friends recommend me to use 1G starter as it is more light to start, anyway my friend hook me up with another extra relay for the starter, never have the problem again ever since

hope this will help and give u some ideas

22nd August 2007, 11:13 PM
i'd rebuild the starter and throw a relay at it

22nd August 2007, 11:55 PM
beautiful... if it gets any worse ill get around to fixing it, im just being super lazy at the moment!

thanks heaps all!

1st December 2007, 07:25 PM
I had this problem... But it hasnt happened for a while.
Then today it really stuffed up...

I have full charge (all electrics work, cd player etc), alarm/immoboliser works... When I try and start the car all I get is the starter motor ticking over constantly. Nothing else.
Strange thing is that I started it up fine in the driveway yesterday and let it idle for 20min. Turned it off and came out again today, now wont start... wtf?
It's got plenty of fuel, new battery, just had a service...

1st December 2007, 11:03 PM
If it clicks constantly when cranked, then hook up a relay to the start sig.
if it only clicks once every time the key is cranked then it's the contacts in the bottom of the solenoid, they'll bet pitted from arcing. replace them and clean/sand the plunger plate flat.

don't leave it to long, sooner or later it will only click and won't turn over

1st December 2007, 11:56 PM
just soundas like loose terminal dude id try tightening them up and go from there

2nd December 2007, 12:06 AM
is it running the standard earth system, with my 20v it wont even crank cause the standard earth setup isnt good enough, if its not that your starter is failin