View Full Version : JDM rear Disc Brakes - changing pads

13th October 2007, 04:22 PM
Hi all

Changing pads in my rear disc brakes and the piston is sticking out too much to fit the pads over the discs.

How do you push them in? or am i missing something...

Anyhelp/ideas would be nice

Big T
13th October 2007, 05:32 PM
You need to force the piston back... Toyota have a SST (special service tool) to do this but most of us use a screwdriver. Put your old, worn pads back in and use a screwdriver to lever the piston back a bit until you've got enough room to fit the new pads. If it's still too difficult, you can crack the bleed nipple to release some pressure but you'll need to bleed your brakes afterwards.


13th October 2007, 05:45 PM
Or you can use a clamp which is a bit fiddly as you can't really centre it.

Be patient and try to get the piston back in evenly, i.e. to much pressure on one side doesn't work.

Doh! My bad!! See below. Sorry.

13th October 2007, 05:53 PM
G-clamp usually works well for me, with the old pads still in there, so you dont push down to hard on one side (like parrot said)

13th October 2007, 06:10 PM

The rear calipers are different to the front calipers as regards to pushing the piston back in.

On the rear calipers you need to turn thr piston clockwise to make it go in as it is on a threadlike shaft

The way i do it is using some long nose pliers inbetween the two cutouts on the piston where one of the lugs off the pads locates and turn clockwise untill the piston in all the way in and flush again.

Hope this helps


13th October 2007, 06:36 PM
yeah, ^^ he nailed it.

I just made up a quick tool using 2 spaced pieces of 3mm plate, and TIGed it to the end of a 22mm 1/2" impact socket.

13th October 2007, 08:01 PM
there is a tool that looks like a cube with different knobs n shit on it. you throw a 3/8 ratchet on it and u can turn back most pistons with that setup without too much effort or risk of slipping and butchering your hands

13th October 2007, 08:18 PM
God I wish I would have noticed this thread earlier....... Sorry guys.


13th October 2007, 09:42 PM
yeah mate make sure u dont try to force it back in with a g-clamp, i made that mistake with my first 86 (had to rebuild the seals). Jap specs are twist in....

13th October 2007, 11:11 PM

done and done... i used wide mouth pliers and just turned them

thanks for the help!