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View Full Version : Drift judging spreadsheet. Who helps run drift clubs around Australia?

Hen may possibly be a nut
14th April 2009, 07:18 PM
So who here helps organise drift events around Australia, or the world for that matter?

The reason I ask is that ages ago I made an Excel spreadsheet to take care of qualifying and battles at a drift event, and just dug it out again for VicDrift. But if anyone else wants to use it, or take a look at it, just let me know your email address and I'll send it.


14th April 2009, 07:32 PM
So who here helps organise drift events around Australia, or the world for that matter?

The reason I ask is that ages ago I made an Excel spreadsheet to take care of qualifying and battles at a drift event, and just dug it out again for VicDrift. But if anyone else wants to use it, or take a look at it, just let me know your email address and I'll send it.


i wont say no...we had someone make something down here in tassie, but had a few bugs and caused some troubles...

delazy (at) gmail.com (delazy@gmail.com)


Hen may possibly be a nut
14th April 2009, 10:33 PM
Well I can't garauntee there aren't any bugs in this, but you're welcome to take a look.


14th April 2009, 11:13 PM
Well I can't garauntee there aren't any bugs in this, but you're welcome to take a look.


thats cool...:) email it on to me...

15th April 2009, 01:46 AM
sadly in wa the judging is left lacking. i dont think they would know how to use it. especially 1 judge in particular

most wa guys would know who i mean
me - "dude how did he not win? the other guy dropped wheel of the track!"
judge - "what, i didn't see that. he lost cause he straightened up"
me - "are you fucking serious. the reason he straightened up was because that guy shot his bumper straight into him when he came off the track!"
judge - "shut the fuck up. if its so easy you get up there and do it. i was into drifting before anybody else was!"

sorry bout the rant just that dudes a real fuckhead

15th April 2009, 11:17 AM
The biggest douche in WA for sure. LOL

Shoulda knocked his buck teeth out.

I volunteered to judge once, I got heaps of negative feedback for being too 'picky' and actually judging peoples entries for once. Not sure of the rest of oz, but WA is most definately still into the power overs and smoke exits, entries count for nothing. So yeah like Aaron says, we wouldn't make good use of it.

20th April 2009, 01:35 PM
[QUOTE=H8CHIR6KU;64889]judge - i was into drifting before anybody else was!"


20th April 2009, 01:36 PM
send it through im keen for a look.


cheers bud.

22nd May 2009, 01:58 PM
Alot of the judges go by speed and how much smoke is given.

Its alot easier to pump smoke out off a big turbo setup and hold a drift, but what about the NA boys who use rely more on there driver ability then using a power over slide.

Judges seem to give it all away to big powered cars leaving us NA boys to the side.

thats my 2 cents

22nd May 2009, 08:50 PM
The biggest douche in WA for sure. LOL

Shoulda knocked his buck teeth out.

I volunteered to judge once, I got heaps of negative feedback for being too 'picky' and actually judging peoples entries for once. Not sure of the rest of oz, but WA is most definately still into the power overs and smoke exits, entries count for nothing. So yeah like Aaron says, we wouldn't make good use of it.

its the same in SA, huge ass drags and simple handbreak entrys are the norm for most ppl then put your foot down and let the power drift your car

tbh the judging in Australia sucks (at least from what ive seen of DA and G1), would be so much better if we had more judges like ae86hachiroku

23rd May 2009, 07:28 PM
true true. most of comp drifting is about power n smoke. quite shameful...

24th May 2009, 07:07 PM
the way i know is Speed, angle, transistion, cliping points, smoke, and in tandem also the distance between cars

25th May 2009, 07:54 PM
yair but thats oh so american ^^^

i happen to have absolutely no interest in how judging works. Beats me why people got and pay someone to tell them how good they are/arnt.

25th May 2009, 11:49 PM
yair but thats oh so american ^^^

i happen to have absolutely no interest in how judging works. Beats me why people got and pay someone to tell them how good they are/arnt.

judges get paid?? fuck ive been getting ripped off for the last 4 years

26th May 2009, 01:05 AM
judges get paid?? fuck ive been getting ripped off for the last 4 years

i dont know of any that do in Australia, even DA judges dont get paid

26th May 2009, 01:26 PM
i dont know of any that do in Australia, even DA judges dont get paid

which is the point i was making...

i do know that a particular state level comp compensate the judges financially for time taken

26th May 2009, 08:26 PM
tbh there needs to be someone to judge the judges:P look at other judged sports, even sports that arent judged but have some kind of referee and they have someone that reviews everything they do, someone to say that wasnt the right call and remove judges that make the same bad calls over and over

atm you say anything about the judging (mainly DA) that isnt saying there the best thing ever they cry about it on forums like hardtuned.net they'll just delete your posts when they dont agree

ive tryed and they just give me the "you think you can do better" crap and wont discuss any issues with drifting

26th May 2009, 10:23 PM
tbh there needs to be someone to judge the judges:P look at other judged sports, even sports that arent judged but have some kind of referee and they have someone that reviews everything they do, someone to say that wasnt the right call and remove judges that make the same bad calls over and over

atm you say anything about the judging (mainly DA) that isnt saying there the best thing ever they cry about it on forums like hardtuned.net they'll just delete your posts when they dont agree

ive tryed and they just give me the "you think you can do better" crap and wont discuss any issues with drifting

if you are so keen to get involved go to the local event...and ask to sit in the judges tower/postition and realise how much different it is to wat u expected..

down here in tassie we had someone critic our decisions time and time again, much like everyone on hardtuned...i invited that person to join the judging panel this year as he sold his drift car and he hasnt been anything less than sympathetic towards his actions since...

alot more to the postition than most ppl realise and believe me the viewing postition is the hardest to overcome...

27th May 2009, 11:19 PM
ill back delazy up on this..

last years series there was a few calls involving me and i thought... hmm duno if that was right but after watching videos and the dvd afterwards i realised yep they were spot on..

27th May 2009, 11:46 PM
if you are so keen to get involved go to the local event...and ask to sit in the judges tower/postition and realise how much different it is to wat u expected..

down here in tassie we had someone critic our decisions time and time again, much like everyone on hardtuned...i invited that person to join the judging panel this year as he sold his drift car and he hasnt been anything less than sympathetic towards his actions since...

alot more to the postition than most ppl realise and believe me the viewing postition is the hardest to overcome...

i dont want to judge, once my car is done i'll be out there drifting:P but i still think there be a group that can say to the judges 'you stuffed up, dont do it again' and they'll listen or get kicked off the judging panel or they'll keep making the same mistakes over and over like they have in DA (so many calls where you think wtf how did that person win)

btw my thing isnt aimed at tassie or any local comps (i have no idea if u guys are like at judging) because ive only seen G1 here in SA and DA