View Full Version : gaurd rolling ?

16th November 2007, 02:16 PM
where can i get gaurds rollled?? round the shire ? and how much?

17th November 2007, 12:42 PM
Where?: Backyard
How much?: Cost of a hammer and dolly from the hardware store (approx $20)
How? Hammer the shit of the underside with the dolly placed on the outside!


17th November 2007, 07:26 PM
Kinda hard to explain but jack the car up, sit chassis on bricks or stands or what eva u have available, let diff drop and insert exhaust pipe up under the wheel, raise the diff and using exstension pole of some sort lever off the tyre in a downwards motion to apply pressure the the guard lip then roll the tyre forwards and backwards to round the lip up. BINGO.

Best to heat the lip with a heat gun to minimize painty crack but there is never any guarantee.