View Full Version : Car troubles...

19th November 2007, 10:32 AM
...ive had a charge light on for a couple of days but the car started fine so i was like wtf...then, last night it died at a petrol station and my mate had to jump it...then later i was driving home and the car was driving like shit, like youd put your foot down and it would kinda splutter a bit and my dash lights were fading heaps, then they all went and the car was like in compression, i was in third, foot down no acceleration...then put it in neutral to roll and car died...so my mate jumped it and it charged the battery a bit, then drove for a bit, lights were all fine, then lights started to fade and car died again, so jumped it again and left it on my mates battery for a bit and drove it home...then realised it must be the alternator, hence y that charge light had been on for a while...then the car died because the alternator wasnt charging the battery, but the battery was working the lights, thermofan and the spark...also the reason why car was driving shit because of the whole timing thing, and also the reason why wen we jumped it and left it on it would drive for a little bit... Thats what i think, just seeing if any of you guys have any other ideas??

19th November 2007, 10:35 AM
OMG same probalem as my parents magna its ur regulator on the altenator go buy a new one bout $60 from an auto electrician should fix ur problem

also ull tell if its ur regulator cause when u pull it out the two prongs comingoff it will be very short