View Full Version : heaterbox removal

14th December 2007, 08:07 PM
hey all.

i got an ae71 and one of the brass/copper whatever pipes comming out of the heater has broken off so now im just goin to remove it, get it fixed then put it back in..... eventually. but i cant seem to find all the bolts. ive undone about three or four but it still wont budge. where are they all hidden

i hope i dont have to take the whole dash out or something?? as i cbf doing that.

cheers for any help..


Jonny Rochester
14th December 2007, 08:57 PM
Yep, you almost have to take the whole dash out. Its about 50 bolts, but you will have 5 left over at the end.

Once you get to it, the actual bolts that hold the heater box in is just a couple on the firewall. Use a long exension and a 10mm socket.

14th December 2007, 09:26 PM
hhhhhmmmmmm.. tahts forked.

cheers for that