View Full Version : VIC: Need a RWD smallport inlet man.

15th January 2008, 08:05 PM
Jus wonderin if any of you lads happen to a rwd smallort manifold,
i can get mine cut n' shut but they wanna charge me HUGE for it!
im s/e suberbs melbourne =D thanx

15th January 2008, 11:00 PM
How much is huge?

I got a mate that can do it, and a FWD one for sale ATM, give me a price range il see what I can do?

16th January 2008, 10:22 PM
some fag whose company shall remain nameless, wanted to charge me 260 for cut n' shut

^^^i know its not HUGE but i know i can do better than that!

any help finding some1 would be appreciated!!!