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24th February 2008, 10:33 PM
just want a good website to learn how to photoshop. i just got a new mac and also photoshop so its hard to get over the whole mac setup let alone learnin to photoshop too. here's my effort on my car so far. mainly looking for how to widen the guards as i can copy one arch and widen it but i don't know how to fill the new gap.
cheers johl


24th February 2008, 10:39 PM
Tried messing around with the liquify tool? Will probs make it real un-even though.

If not, maybe use the polygon lasso tool and cut out the guard and then press ctrl+T (free transform) and just widen it like that...

That's my suggestion without doing it for you :lol:

24th February 2008, 10:49 PM

That should get you started.

If you were to widen the guards the way you suggested, Smudge and Blur Tool and Dodge Tool will fill in the gap, May look a little dodgy, but if you spend a bit of time on it, it'll come out alright.

25th February 2008, 12:15 AM
yeh everwhere i have read has said the smudge tool but it looks wack. but then again maybe its cuz there is reflection on my car in the photo... maybe i should change all the paint and the widen it

obey wan boenny
25th February 2008, 12:31 AM
Hey johl, were you trying to do this?


If so this is how I did it:

1) Using the polygon lasso tool, I selected the current arch and copy and pasted it onto a new layer

2) I then moved it out a bit to where it would look like if it was widened a bit

3) I used the eraser tool and rubbed out the inner edges of the copied arch to give it a soft edge so it looked like it was blended in

4) I then used the polygon lasso tool again and selected the outer edge of arch and deleted it so the edge looked more defined and sharp.

5) Use the smudge tool (with the strength set to 50%) I smudged the inner edges of the copied arch so the reflections looked like they spread over the whole arch.

6) The polygon lasso tool was used again to select the unfilled area behind the wheel and filled in with a dark blue colour

hope that makes some kind of sense to you. ;)

P.S - I also quickly coloured that Gilly lip for you too :)

25th February 2008, 12:56 AM
sweet thanks mate... just spent another 30mins tryin to do it but failed... will have another crack doing it this way.

25th February 2008, 01:03 AM
Hao you are King.

obey wan boenny
25th February 2008, 01:10 AM
lol, thanks mate ^ :D

Just another tip johl, zoom into the area you are working on so you can see it really good. This is mega helpful when you are selecting around tight edges with the polygon lasso tool.

Just keep using Photoshop until you are familair with what the tools do, it'll be hell easy one day :) promise.

25th February 2008, 01:22 AM
clone stamp is so much easier and better than smudge imo

25th February 2008, 09:54 AM
photoshop is a real trial and error program you get skills in it by just giving it a shot.

so many good tutorials out there so just google search