View Full Version : 4age into KE70

25th April 2009, 09:54 AM
hey all,

Im putting a 4age turbo into my KE70 its only going to be used on the track (so not registered) my question is do i have to replace the cross member to an AE71 to fit the 4age in or can i just make up some new engine mounts and weld them to the standard KE70 cross member???
Any input would be appreciated.


25th April 2009, 09:58 AM
Could go either way i guess, crossmember change is the most common way to do it but I guess you can do whatever you find easiest. In NZ I think there's some 4A engine mounts to suit KE70 crossmember available, I saw them on trademe a while ago.

27th April 2009, 01:31 PM
just swap crossmembers, they arnt that hard to find