View Full Version : smoke machine!!!!!!!!!!! :verymad:

wide s13
18th April 2008, 10:16 AM
okay put a new gearbox in my car. checked alot of things except oil as i did this the other day and rock up at work today with oil dripping out
under my car everywere:(
the dipstick was 2/10 way out what could cause this??????
ubove post 18/4 in the morning thius happended

as of 19/4 more problems-
i was driving home yesterday arvo and a huge black/brown smoke cloud ingolfed the rear of my car :(
thinking wtf? fire? lol
anyway pulled over car stalled and no fire.
open bay nothing there apart from usaul. engine etc etc
so started it up run fine all the way home????

so i started her this smorning checked everything no oil loss nothing????
ran for like 10mins nothing so started drive to work 5mins into journey of sedatly driving huge blue smoke cloud. :verymad:
pull over turn her off. checked oil and its half a ml under level which for running 15mins think thats fine?
anyway checked her over nothing in engine bay except usaul.
started her first time and drove to work happy as larry this is so fustrating

18th April 2008, 10:28 AM
Excessive blow by. Put it back in, drive sedately. See if its still blowing out. Drive again, give it more throttle this time.

But 60% of the time, everytime it would be blow by.

18th April 2008, 12:37 PM

spring on the dipstick to block

vent rocker cover to atmosphere

it will leak less

Jonny Rochester
18th April 2008, 05:24 PM
blowby + boost + small or blocked breather

18th April 2008, 05:37 PM
this happaned on one of my cars.

i wrap electrical tape around the top part of the dipstick (the black plastic that connects to the metal)

anyways it is tighter and does not come out with the pressure.

wide s13
19th April 2008, 10:22 AM
help me guys this is fustrating :(

19th April 2008, 11:16 AM
did you just read any of the replies above?

wide s13
19th April 2008, 11:38 AM
yes i did lol
the thing is why would it be black/brown smoke which is normally cat or fuel?
then blue/smoke smoke- oil? (its not turbo) its n/a
and i was driving sedately and the responses above was to the oil dipstick coming out which its not doing
as with yesterdays post as the oil thing was last night and this smornings probs.
i didnt understand gillys fix thingo but I'm seeing him sunday so ill ask him kindly to show me lol

wide s13
22nd April 2008, 10:19 AM
number 4 cylinder blow by number 2 cylinder snapped rings :(
for F**K sake! lol

22nd April 2008, 11:44 PM
i fail to see the significance

a gbox swap snaps rings? or your already had snapped rings and didnt know it?

*edit you did a wet and dry comp test right?

wide s13
23rd April 2008, 10:11 AM
well i did a gearbox, so swapped it over.
then the next day spat the dipstick?
then that night black/brown smoke
then the next morning bluey/white smoke. and engine stop lol
then the next day starting diagnosing and said f**k it pull it down and found the prob