View Full Version : barb fittings for itb's manifold

30th May 2008, 11:16 PM
i wanna know where can i get 3mm and 5mm barb fittings for the T3 itb's adaptor in melbourne?

and is that alright if i hook up the brake booster and map sensor into 1 vcauum canister?

30th May 2008, 11:19 PM
bursons mate, were around 3 bucks each, make sure u get T peices aswell

30th May 2008, 11:36 PM
i have tried the one near latrobe uni
they don't what it is...

i will try other store
thanks anyway

31st May 2008, 12:18 AM
don't ask for barb fittings, i did the same, they have no fkn clue, it will be on the rack near the air hose fittings, with one side threaded and the other allowing for an air line, i got mine in the 1/8th bsp thread and bought a tapered tap from a bolt shop, worked a treat

31st May 2008, 01:41 PM
thanks mate