View Full Version : Is my idea feasible??

4th June 2008, 03:18 PM
Hey Guys,
Done some searching and found some but not all the answers I am looking for...
I have a smallport GZE and a bigport NA...My idea is putting the bigport head on the GZE, and possibly buying one of the bigport adapter plates to get 20V ITBS on it...and possibly down the track running trumpets on the ITBS.
I have heard putting the 20V ITBS on a GZE will not work as the throttle bodies will not fit with the supercharger, but I am hoping that with the adapter plate will help that particular problem.
Am i right in saying the bigport cams are slightly bigger than smallport?
Is this going to make it possible to have TVIS, ITBS and a supercharger all working properly, is this idea feasible?
I have aftermarket ECU, so as far as I know, tuning won't be a problem.
Any help would be great.

4th June 2008, 03:55 PM
I think you will find that the problem isn't that the sc won't fit with itbs (though I may be wrong), rather than dealing with the question of how do your direct your highly compressed air into your itbs. This isn't a problem if you use a plenum, but will be problematic if you choose to have trumpets/socks.

Yes, bigport cams are bigger.

Theoretically yes. I have itbs on a bigport and have ditched the tvis as I have larger cams and didn't see the great need for it.

As long as your aftermarket is decent and flexible it should be fine.

4th June 2008, 04:18 PM
what plenum should i use??

4th June 2008, 04:40 PM
custom, i don't think you would be able to buy one...

Also, if this is really what you want to do, consider running the charger before the quads..

the charger could then be relocated and not interfear with the plenuem, or quads...