View Full Version : What is the compression of a 4-ac motor?

7th June 2008, 04:16 PM
Any help? ^_^

7th June 2008, 04:24 PM
Depends if you use honey instead of oil

Something like 100 .... combined, over all 4 cylinders

Nah honestly i don't have a farken clue hey

7th June 2008, 05:04 PM
as long as they are even, thrash it. If they are all over the place, thrash it harder.

So in summary, I don't know either

8th June 2008, 04:11 PM
Anywhere between 120-170psi and as even as possible.

Less then 10% drop between cylinders.

Stock 4ac compression is 8.9-1 i believe.

And i have stock bigport which is 9.6 or 9.8-1 i can't remember excactly and i have a reading of 180psi across the board.

20th June 2008, 08:33 PM
According to the factory manual:
Compression should read 178 psi. The lower limit before new rings/rebuild is required is 128 psi.
Readings should be within 14 psi between cylinders.

It doesn't specify, but i assume these are dry readings.

Hope that helps :)

21st June 2008, 11:49 PM
I used to get 130 psi and the engine seemed to be reasonable condition if that means anything

22nd June 2008, 12:21 AM
on my old 4ac i got 140 psi on 1,2,3. cyclinder 4 was 135psi. the week later the head gasket blew.....

even is the key, higher pressure just means better condition/higher comp.