View Full Version : Help with wiring...

9th July 2008, 11:26 AM
Hi all,

Asked a very generic question about wiring my indicators in another thread. Realized how pointless that is without some kind of picture.
So here I am again with a diagram to back me up.

Here's what I'm trying to do:
I'm trying to wire up the indicators on my Trueno front from my ADM AE86.
I've since realised that the floodlights aren't wired up either, and that the wiring for those are some what connected.

Anyway, here's what I have:
Note: The wires coming out of the car don't have connectors, but I've just bought some 4-way connectors this morning

So with 4 wires each side, and a 4 way plug on each side going to the lights, I guess it's pretty obvious what I need to do...

Only problem is... which wire matches with which wire?? Can't work it out >_<
Can anyone advise??

...better yet, can some one post some pages out of the repair manual if that might help?

9th July 2008, 12:04 PM
Good diagram mate.
In the diagram it appears that there are two of the same of each colour.
If you look closer you might find that the same colours are slightly different.
One will be 'one colour' whilst the other might have stripes through it (either black or white).
If this is the case you need to determine which colour is for the blinker and which is for the parker.
Test this by connecting one side to the indicator or parker. If it flashes then it's the indicator.
With the full colours they will be your common power.
You can decide to use either one common to connect the indicator and parker or go them separately.
It is better to go them separately IMO.
Then it is just a matter of connecting the striped colours to the respective wires.
If you can provide actual photos it will be much better to establish a solution.
Otherwise if you are in Brisbane, I can have a look at it over the weekend or something.

9th July 2008, 12:10 PM
Thanks so much for your help!!

I'll have a play around with it tonight, hopefully I can work it out form the advice you have given me!!

Unfortunately I'm in Hobart, otherwise I would love for you to come and give me a hand with it.

Anyway, you are a legend!! XD