View Full Version : keen on getting AE86 (South Aus)

that guy
14th May 2009, 09:06 PM
*dunno if this posted, tried earlier but it wont show up on my computor so yea*

alright look i'm new to this site but thought i'd give it my best bash

i don't know if ya hear hear this a lot but i am looking for an ae86 available in adelaide, i can't afford to move cars interstate so thus looking for something local. Like anyone i am looking for a good deal but need it fairly cheap, preferbly around <5,000 or 6,000 at the very most. Would prefer it fairly stock as in either stock 4age or 4ac engine, no superchargerd or turbocharged engines and extractors would be pushing it. It must be road worthy and good to drive. Wouldn't mind minor modifications eg: interior upgrade (meaning no stripped interiors), exhaust, etc. I know at 5k - 6k i can't exactly be picky but as little rust as possible would be great and with low kms (relising this is a big ask just let me know for anything you got and i may be interested). I love the look of the truenos but will basically take anything, so anyone that's got something with this criteria don't hesitate to contact me.

also on carsales.com.au their was a bronze sprinter in SA for $5,200, wondering what happened to it, anyone know?

p.s: any tips on learning how to use this site would be champion. cheers guys

14th May 2009, 10:33 PM

shipping from brisbane to adelaide is $445 to 545 from depot to depot

15th May 2009, 12:15 AM
now that would save u alot of money and being 4ac all u would have to do is a vichle identity check then rego it

that guy
15th May 2009, 06:22 PM
cheers guys

seems every1 seems keen on importing from interstate

guess you all got a point with it being cheaper too and considering the their is virtually no sprinters in SA that are up for sale

hmm maybe a possibility

oh n uh cheers 4 the link

19th May 2009, 12:34 PM
shipping interstate is suprisingly cheap, so thats probably the best option for you mate. Also that gold sprinter for sale sold, i rang up the guy selling it and said it sold the day before i rang him :( that one was mint

19th May 2009, 01:12 PM
Go to the Casino double up your money and buy this http://www.ironchefimports.com/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=256&Itemid=1