View Full Version : S13 front lca convert to rosejoint

22nd July 2011, 12:12 PM
Hey all fello ae86 dc peeps
So I got the almighty cheapo s13 front end I'n my 86
I cut and shut my castor rods to run mass castor andy lca inner bushes look like they want to go kill them selfs
I want to convert them to rosejoint anyone know were to buy the actual rose joint??! I'n Melbourne western suburbs

22nd July 2011, 12:34 PM
if you get stuck, i can supply you with whatever you want, just give me specs.


22nd July 2011, 12:44 PM
Hey bud
I'll probly get them threw u saves chasing down a place
So what u need would be like how wide were the lca slides into leghth of the thread
All I'm going to do is box the lca drill a nice hole I'n the middle and weld the big nut on the inside with alot of bracing then I'll screw the joint and an use the other nut to lock it well that's the idea...