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12th August 2011, 01:51 PM
If all goes well be getting the car early next week. The engine (4age) has been mod plated, will it need to have additional mod plates for it being EFI and having modified fuel delivery(Lift pump, surge tank, fuel pump all in a sealed box in the boot) or should this all be covered by the mod plate done for the engine?

12th August 2011, 01:53 PM
What does it say on your modification paperwork?

12th August 2011, 02:01 PM
I dont have any paperwork, I havent purchased the car yet, its in QLD and has a blue plate on the engine with what looks to be LA.1

12th August 2011, 02:37 PM
I have moved this thread to the QLD section, even though it's a technical question I think the people in the same state would be best equiped to answer the question at hand

12th August 2011, 04:03 PM
the mod plate will mean nothing without the paperwork to say what it is

12th August 2011, 06:04 PM
Ok I don't think he still has the paperwork with it. I looked up the code and it just says change of engine. He was told the mod plate would cover the change to efi as well as the fuel pump. When I take it for a rwc anyone know if I'll need paperwork with the mod plate?

12th August 2011, 06:34 PM
Yes you probably will. Even the transport department wanted to see mine before I could register my last car.

14th August 2011, 02:46 AM
see if the paperwork can be re-issued?

14th August 2011, 09:32 AM
Fuel system is a seperate code from engine.
It is my understanding that
* LA1 - covers the engine conversion - (should include Option 3 for forced induction.)
* LB1 - covers the gearbox change.
* LM1 - covers the conversion of the fuel system to EFI.
* LG1 - covers brakes
* LK1 - covers diff

14th August 2011, 04:54 PM
Yeah I looked up the standards and read through it and all the info on LM1 was about the actual fuel tank and regulations and nothing on fuel delivery and LA1 was all about engine. Neither had any reference to the delivery system. The guy who is selling it, its advertised on here, said that he wasnt given paperwork and I was under the impression that the plate was the paper work. He was also told that the blue plate(LA1) would cover the fuel pump/surge tank and conversion to EFI as its all neccessary for the engine to work. On the other hand stock came with an in take pump so I guess that would be a modified tank so it would be LM1?

14th August 2011, 05:00 PM
i've never heard of anyone mod plating surge tanks etc. as long as they are in a sealed box you'l be sweet. is it the one for sale that has the fuel gear in what looks like a sub box with black carpet on the outside? if not do it and you'l be sweet

15th August 2011, 10:25 PM
Yeah the red one with gold meshies. Just have to buy it, take it for a rwc and find out.

17th August 2011, 07:31 AM
the certificates are just as important as the mod plates mate, the plate only shows the code (say engine swap) it doesn't tell them what motor it has been mod plated for and you could have swapped the motor for a different one to what it was plated for, that also goes for other mods the certificates tells them exactly what has been done.

for example my plate has about 6 codes and the certificate has them all listed including the seat and harness brands etc.

when you get pulled up by cops they only wanna see the plates cuz they have no idea but if you get pulled up by transport they want to see the certificates and you'll get done over without them.

does that make sense? haha, as for the surge tank you can get mod plates for them, but if it's hidden they probably won't even see it.