View Full Version : exhaust size for a smallport 4age

23rd August 2011, 04:21 PM
best size?

23rd August 2011, 04:22 PM
2 inch

23rd August 2011, 04:34 PM
and just run one muffler?
im getting it done tomorrow with the shotgun finish

23rd August 2011, 04:43 PM
Every single other person on here will say get 2.5 or 2.25.

I think 2 inch is fine for a 1600 at any rpm.

One muffler, one resonator just before diff and a cat just after the headers. Go over diff, it makes little difference until you work on the car, and decide under diff is difficult for no reason. Don't use a canon unless you like the sound of farts to be playing the entire time you are driving.


23rd August 2011, 04:49 PM
^ everything this guy said. Except some people opt for a 2 1/4 and say it is the best size for 4age, if you do a search it's been covered a few times.

23rd August 2011, 05:02 PM
Stock with no upgrades, to mild upgrades (up to 140-150 hp) - 2" mandrel, 2.25" crush bent.

Built motor, shooting for 150-200+ hp 2.25" or 60mm (2.375") mandrel, 2.5" crush.

BEST exhaust I ever had for a stock 4age, Fujitsubo Legalis-R single tip which is a straight through muffler/resonator and mandrel bent 2". Also, it is $$$.


23rd August 2011, 05:07 PM
best size?

what engine mods and ecu?

23rd August 2011, 10:29 PM
I ran 2.5 with resonator and 2.5 muffler, on a stock smallport, was okay, didn't drone much maybe just a little loud. Anyway on my ae71 I got the exhaust made while I still had the 4ac in and went 2.25 with resonator and 2.25 muffler and it was perfect! Not a bit of drone, nice and quiet cruising around but had a bark when you opened it up. So then I put in a 4age smallport with quads with an adaptronic. Fucking LOUD!! Like droney cruising around 3000rpm. Too loud the second you give it any gas! Its so gay. So I went back to the exhuast guy and asked him to quiet it abit and ffs get rid of the drone. He swears blind that a cat will fix it. He's been after me from the word go to put in a cat but as happens with me I think hey he's the pro he must know what he's on about. NOPE droney as fuck, no quieter, its moved the power band down and doesn't like to rev at all!!! So I'm planning on getting rid of the cat entirely, and either getting a good quality 2.25 stainless muffler or cutting the muffler back to 2 inch!

So anyway the point of all this is your engine setup massively changes the sound! a 2.5inch setup was way quieter than my current 2.25 setup, both running the same brands and construction methods, change the intake and the ecu and bam totally different sound!

23rd August 2011, 10:43 PM
2 1/4 with res and rear muffler, i currently only got rear muffler, sounds shit unless your into it (6 grand atleast plus), drones and shit, but fairly quiet at idle
(Bigport TVIS, JDM ecu)

23rd August 2011, 10:48 PM
He swears blind that a cat will fix it. He's been after me from the word go to put in a cat but as happens with me I think hey he's the pro he must know what he's on about. NOPE droney as fuck, no quieter, its moved the power band down and doesn't like to rev at all!!! So I'm planning on getting rid of the cat entirely, and either getting a good quality 2.25 stainless muffler or cutting the muffler back to 2 inch!

So anyway the point of all this is your engine setup massively changes the sound! a 2.5inch setup was way quieter than my current 2.25 setup, both running the same brands and construction methods, change the intake and the ecu and bam totally different sound!

why don't you go back and hold him accountable? also what a total dickhead, the only time a cat changes things is because it's causing a restriction. Fit a dogleg 2.25 muffler instead of a straight through, that will fix it

[edit] take the cat out take it to the guy and ask for a refund and then put another muffler in where it was, should make a drastic difference

23rd August 2011, 10:55 PM
4int1 extractors
I got 2.0" mandrel
2.5 muffler

Sounds amazing on idle
Not too loud driving around until you gun it

23rd August 2011, 11:01 PM
haha unfortunately the work was done a fair while ago and then I got defected so its been off the road for a while ie couldn't take it too the guy to get the work done. However I have just discovered that the guy with the massive shed that I never see anything going in or out of that lives near me makes drag cars!! He has customers coming from the mainland and everything and the work I've seen of his is literally art! So I reckon I will get him to redo the rear half of my exhuast. But yeah I won't be going back to the other guy! It just annoys me that whenever I give in and take advice from a "pro" its wrong! Oh no buy these platinum plugs. WRONG. Oh no this bush will fit your swaybar. WRONG. Last time I went to buy plugs I went into repco and wouldn't tell the guy what I wanted them for, I just took the book off him looked up the plug and told him the number hahah he was a bit offended!! At least this way I am learning things like No a cat will definitely not make an exhaust quieter hahah.

23rd August 2011, 11:41 PM
I have a 2.25 under the diff setup with 4-1's. Its very loud. Next exhaust I would think about another setup... Under diff is fine, just get a joint put in if you're changing diffs all the time.

24th August 2011, 12:05 AM
I've had both 2" and 2.25 and i'd pick either again, felt like the 2.25 had a tiny bit more poke when getting up near the limiter, but that could be a placebo affect. I've always made sure a flex bit has been put in after the headers to limit risk of cracking them... More relevant to FWD though..