View Full Version : need feedback on jasma cams, who has used them?

9th October 2011, 10:18 PM
need to buy cams for my 4age and was wondering if anyone has used these before?

what are they like?!?



9th October 2011, 10:47 PM
No idea but you do know what JASMA is? Well originally before they named parts after them.

9th October 2011, 11:07 PM
nope just found them on ebay

10th October 2011, 08:23 AM
Just don't get those cams. Enough said

10th October 2011, 12:42 PM
why? whats wrong with them?

a cam is a cam. sure toda billets are alittle lighters and stronger for very slight power increase.

10th October 2011, 12:50 PM
a cam is a cam.

WHOA!! NOT all cams are created equal, it's just not a matter of grinding up a duration and lift!! There is much involved in making sure the valve train doesn't get unwanted harmonics, that the valves aren't pounded down onto the seats, that the valve and valve train is accelerated and deccelerated with regards to longevity, do a little research and you'll be suprised at the amount of mathematics that go into designing a camshaft these days, in the old days it may of been experience and suck it and see but not these days.

10th October 2011, 04:19 PM
Save headaches and coin, by waiting for someone to ditch their project (part out) and get some Toda's or HKS.

Oly AE86
10th October 2011, 10:38 PM
I purchased Jasma branded vernier gears for my 20V and was disappointed with the quality. I returned them for a refund and would be skeptical of purchasing the brand again.

11th October 2011, 10:32 AM
I suggest clive cams here in Vic, known to work and can offer something that works with a stock ecu or tuned.

as usual Frak is right, agressiveness of the ramp rates and duration above 3/4 lift are some of the things that go into the design of something that's deceptively complex.