View Full Version : fender mirror legality

14th January 2012, 06:30 PM
anyone know the rules on this?
i'm going to go ahead and assume that they're not allowed, any dudes running them had any police troubles?

14th January 2012, 06:36 PM
I don't think fender mirrors will be your largest worry if your thinking about driving a 'defecable' car...
It's easy enough to just throw some standard mirrors on if you ever go through regency anyway...

Edit: but to answer your question.. I'm pretty sure they are fine, if (ae71 mirrors for example) they can be pushed backwards and forwards or something. (shit explanation i know)

14th January 2012, 07:23 PM
they are defectable, due to them being a dangerous object if you hit a pedestrian...go figure

14th January 2012, 07:43 PM
Bull bars are fine though..

14th January 2012, 08:39 PM
yep you can drive around with a 80kg steel girder bolted to the front of your 4wd but a spring loaded mirror is just unreasonable for pedestrian safety

14th January 2012, 08:42 PM
i'm just going to fit some and use that as my argument if i get pulled over.

18th January 2012, 03:02 PM
yep you can drive around with a 80kg steel girder bolted to the front of your 4wd but a spring loaded mirror is just unreasonable for pedestrian safety

hit the nail on the head!

18th January 2012, 07:01 PM
I run fender mirrors and haven't had a problem with the police yet.

19th January 2012, 12:43 PM
don't drive like a douche and you won't get pulled over

19th January 2012, 01:18 PM
cop said to me when he was giving me a fine that u cant have them unless they are electric, as you cant adjust them.

19th January 2012, 04:04 PM
You can't have them unless they are sprung, ie attached to a spring at the base so if a pedestrian/object/small child comes into contact with one they just bend out of the way.

19th January 2012, 05:32 PM
cop said to me when he was giving me a fine that u cant have them unless they are electric, as you cant adjust them.

lol. shoulda told him you just get out the car.... electric or not shouldn't come into it

Declan, mirrors aren't hard to change back ;)

19th January 2012, 11:01 PM
from what i no they dont comply to adr rules, thats why many jap imports have the holes there on the fender but are blanked off, like old 80's mazda 929's, ke25's etc

but really what hope has a person that walks out infront of your car anyhow.... corollas stay on the road so their not really a issue, now commodores are padestrian hunting machines designed to spear off the road at speed by the would be p plated v8 supercar driver, anyhow so mentioned padestrian probably wouldnt be to fussed about a few plastic fender mirrors

here in WA the rule is nothing protruding higher than 100mm above the bonnet from memory

they absouletely eliminate the blind spot at your rear door as you can see the car right beside you

just claim their a safety improvement as it reduces blindspots :-) haha

19th January 2012, 11:07 PM
don't drive like a douche and you won't get pulled over

don't know what amazing part of adelaide you're from but for the most part if you drive a slightly modified car then cops are gonna pull you over regardless of how you drive.

mine are electric (not that i have an in car toggle to move them about though) and if i can find genuine mounts will be spring loaded.

for the most part, police don't have any idea about cars and i think if i get pulled over specifically for the fender mirrors i'll politely make points about not having rear windows (car in question is a windowless panelvan) and that they make it possible to see in my blindspot

20th January 2012, 09:54 AM
I drove around in my AE82 with coilovers (8kg springs ie little movement), cannon muffler, bucket seat, 20v engine conversion, tyres protruding the guards slightly, -2.5 camber and not once
did I get pulled over. I've had cops behind me following for a bit and they did nothing. I even got pulled into a defect station and only got a warning that my tyres will need to be replaced soon
as they were getting low on tread. Only reason I sold the thing was because I got sick of how shit Adelaides roads are and couldn't be bothered converting back to stock.
I have never driven a legally modified car and have never had a defect, maybe I'm just lucky. Maybe I have just jinxed myself too........

20th January 2012, 03:07 PM
I drove around in my AE82

stopped reading after this...
only kidding haha but for the most part (in my experience) cops pull over what the media has determined are "hoon cars", when i drove an s13 a drove 5km/h under the speed limit and got pulled over and defected three houses away from my home as i was going home for 'suspicion of stiff suspension'.
how you drive is a big part of whether you get pulled over or not but at the end of the day cops have a quota to meet and some cars are just easy targets.

20th January 2012, 04:56 PM
stopped reading after this...
only kidding haha but for the most part (in my experience) cops pull over what the media has determined are "hoon cars", when i drove an s13 a drove 5km/h under the speed limit and got pulled over and defected three houses away from my home as i was going home for 'suspicion of stiff suspension'.
how you drive is a big part of whether you get pulled over or not but at the end of the day cops have a quota to meet and some cars are just easy targets.

attitude helps alot in these cases, ive been pulled up for doing, admittedly, very stupid things and i didn't take the whole "f*ck tha police" attitude, try to weave my way out of trouble or blame something/one for my actions. if you just straight up cop it and accept what you have been caught douing they will generally treat you like a person and the consequences might not be those some guy acting like a dick gets

20th January 2012, 08:37 PM
I run fender mirrors on my Galant and got pulled over the other night. Cop asked how long I had the car, if it was registered, gave me a drug and alcohol test, glanced at my ride height, ran an eye over the mirrors and sent me on my way.
Now I gotta say I am a bit older than most people on here and I was doing 50 in a 50 zone and easing gear changes after I saw him two cars back three round abouts before he pulled me over. I am sure if I was driving like a twit I would have got a yellow sticker for sure.


21st January 2012, 09:54 AM
has anyone bothered to call regency and ask?

or just speculating...

21st January 2012, 03:54 PM
has anyone bothered to call regency and ask?

or just speculating...
Alot of the time regency will be fine with things which cops will defect you for, such as pod filters

21st January 2012, 06:35 PM
There were also Japanese cars released here new in the 60's that had fender mirrors, Mitsubishi Colt 1100 for one. So I think if you can say they are factory more cops wouldn't know the difference. My car is a 1975 and it would be older than a lot of coppers so they wouldn't know if fender mirrors were an option back then or not.
A mate has a TE Cortina with a worked EFI 250 in it, it was factory a 4cyl and still has the badges and is registered as a 4cyl. He got pulled over before xmas and the cop asked him to open the bonnet, poked his head around and that was that. If a copper can't tell the difference between a ohc 4cyl and a efi 6cyl what chance do they have of knowing if my car had fender mirrors stock?
Besides, it is the fuel cell in the boot I think they will hate the most, lmao

24th January 2012, 10:03 AM
i used to keep a jap sales brochure in the car, just said they were standard, was never a problem

rule of thumb - they will defect other shit first

24th January 2012, 11:07 AM
Yeah thats it, if you're doing it right, fender mirrors are the least of your problems haha