View Full Version : anyone looking for a job doing automotive assembly?

21st September 2012, 07:12 PM
get in quick, one position going at my work (Patrick auto care) at the port of Brisbane, usually hired through recruitment agency, but my boss is hiring direct, I asked him today for someone else who I thought might be keen, but they aren't (yeah you Brendan!) lol.

Mon to Fri, 6 -2pm, work is pretty ok as far as jobs go, pay is reasonable and the day goes pretty quick usually, boss can be a cock but as long as you don't get on his bad side he's not too bad'.

You must be reliable and not a fuck up as I'm putting this out there on my recommendation to the boss since he gave me his email to reach him directly as it was suppossed to be for ^^ that lad but I thought since he isn't keen then its worth getting a forum member in there.

Job is essentially building cars for telstra (and others) I havent been there that long so have yet to learn too much, but so far it has involved fitting bullbars/towbars/winches/gps tracking/bluetooth kits/spotlights/ladder racks/daytime running light etc.

If your into that type of mechanical spanner turning work and have your own tools or are prepared to get a few then its quite an alright job.

Pm me if interested, you prob have a few days before the position is filled


22nd September 2012, 10:49 AM
I wish all jobs where advertised like this.... If you aren't a fuck up and the boss is a bit of a cock

22nd September 2012, 01:48 PM
lol, yeah well I saw it as an opportunity to get some other cool kids working with me (not a guarantee on here but at least someone else into 86's)

As I said though it won't be long until the position is filled ie: days

23rd September 2012, 05:18 PM
I would have been tempted but work license is too much hassle to change considering only 4 weeks left to go, ahh well!

26th September 2012, 11:36 AM
If it was closer I would do it! GL

26th September 2012, 04:08 PM
still a spot so if anyone is keen get in touch...

Low Style
27th September 2012, 08:08 AM
do it Timbo!

29th September 2012, 07:24 PM
You sound like my mum Jon!