View Full Version : Crushed Panhard rod body mount. Suggestions on how to fix

26th February 2013, 08:30 AM

So I was driving last week and kind of stacked it.
I bent my axle, punched a hole in the floor from the tyre, destroyed the hole brake setup on the right side and took a chunk out of the my wheel
This was all ok as it's easily replaceable but I also crushed my panhard rod body mount:( (pictures below)

I was wondering if anyone has done this before and how did they fix it?

I have a couple of ideas so far how I can do this;

Chop off the crushed section and have someone weld another one on (I already chopped this part out of a car I stripped on the weekend). If anyone would like to weld this bit in for me i could give them cash, beers, help with mechanical or a little bit of wiring or I could get you cheaper parts when you need them. Or just anything lol


Chop the bit off and spread the cut out piece so it slides over it and then fasten it with bolts:/


Any suggestions to fix this would be much appreciated

I'm located in southport


26th February 2013, 09:56 AM
Similar thing happened to mine. Pics do not quite show , but if the housing that the pan-hard bolts to chassis is not to crushed (if it is you will have to straighten it or replace ). Then get a three sided box piece of steel , cut to suit the shape . bang it into place and weld ( not bolt ) it . 2 pics of mine



26th February 2013, 07:36 PM
Cheers for the idea man, it look good!

Soo who on the goldcoast wants to come around with a welder :)

26th February 2013, 07:52 PM
had the same thing happen to me i just cut a panhard mount off a ke70 then welded it in wasn’t that hard surprisingly