View Full Version : please confirm

21st June 2009, 06:48 PM
Hey guys.

question ref. 4ag 16 v big port dizzy used as trigger for haltech

so. the dizzy has got the 2 wheels - 24 tooth sensor and the 4 tooth home trigger

haltech only needs TDC #1 for home trigger.

lined up all markings on crank pully/cam gears/dizzy and have the engine TDC on # 1 cyl

looking at the home trigger inside the dizzy it has 4 points.. TDC on # 1 is marked with a dot on the tooth.

can someone please confirm that all other 3 teeth need to be removed so the ECU only gets home trigger sig at TDC of cyl # 1

ive done a bit of reading but i just want to confirm this before i start grinding off the other points..


22nd June 2009, 02:51 AM
This is how I was planning on doing it.

A dizzy I have already has the teeth chopped off so I assume its the done thing.

22nd June 2009, 12:50 PM
did some more reading and found the answer... haltech calls it the multitooth 24 + 1 full sinc - has 24 tooth trigger and single tooth home trigger

The toyota dizzy is reluctor type with a falling edge trigger

supported modes: (haltech)

fuel: multin point, batch, semi sequential, sequential
Ignition : Distributer, twin distributer , waste spark, Direct fire

So filing off the 3 other un-needed theeth leaving TDC #1 tooth in place.. this has a small dot on the base of the tooth.

as the cam goes through its 720' rotation, the TDC passes the sensor pickup twice, but this is ok becasue TDC # 1 being 0' , 360' after that event the trigger point will be back in the same position, which is TDC # 4, but since cyl's #1 & 4 are at TDC at the same time this doesnt matter...

hopefully this helps anyone else going down the same road