View Full Version : New to Melbourne and need help

20th February 2014, 01:21 PM
Since moving from Sydney 6 months ago im trying to get a road worthy for my ae86 ... everyone i have been to so far just look at the car and since its old say cant help... Does anyone know of a place that can give me RWC i dont care what it costs.

Car info
levin coupe (very clean)
stock engine with pod (sourced stock airbox)
stock interior exept the steering wheel and bucket seat (sourced jdm drivers seat)
adjustable trailing arms
exhaust though not very loud
watanabe rims with r888's (these rim are about 2mm passed the gaurds)
diff mods are internal and not seen

Anyones suggestions where i can go and what i need to do would be appreciated


20th February 2014, 02:33 PM
You will need stock wheels, and technically coilovers and adjustable suspension arms need to engineered so just put the stock stuff in for a roadworthy. As long as your diff mods aren't welded centre you'll be fine.

I got my rwc at dynamotive in Blackburn, passed easily and was easy to deal with.

20th February 2014, 06:09 PM
Now the next problem .. i dont suppose anyone has a set of stockies i can borrow to get this thing passed

20th February 2014, 08:35 PM
Pretty sure I do. Will check the condition of the tyres tomorrow. You would have to pick them up from Maidstone though.

21st February 2014, 02:03 AM
26 Molan Street, Ringwood vic place called 'Multitech Auto Care'. I got mine done there and he was pretty casual. Had a few ae86s in the shop too. this was in 2012.
It's not somewhere I would genuinely recommend for a quality RWC, but if its just to transfer etc then he does alright

21st February 2014, 12:04 PM
Thanks for the help guys

21st February 2014, 12:12 PM
Just checked my stockies and the tyres aren't the best. Tread is ok but they have cracks in the grooves between the tread. Your still welcome to try though.

21st February 2014, 04:28 PM
im still waiting on some stoff from japan .. ill shoot you a pm when im ready to go


5th March 2014, 09:38 PM
Hit me up if you need to borrow some wheels.

This doesn't sound like it's going to be your daily, have you considered club rego?