View Full Version : T50 second gear, or broken T50 with good second gear

2nd June 2014, 06:53 PM
Hey guys,
I apologise for my first post being in the for sale section, I am away at work and on my phone so it is a pain to put a big thread with pics etc up. I promise when I get back on my computer I will do a thread about my car!

I am chasing second gear for a T50. I have an opportunity to buy a gearbox for cheap, but second is broken. If I can get a replacement gear for a reasonable price I can fix it and have a spare box. Alternatively, if anyone has a box with another gear broken but second is good, I'd be interested in that so that I could make one good box from the two.

If anyone has either of these, or could point me in the right direction, send me a PM and we can discuss it. :)


2nd June 2014, 08:51 PM
2nd gear is nla from Toyota and is the most common gear to
fail on a t50

3rd June 2014, 11:51 AM
I figured it would be. I am not really chasing a brand new second gear, was seeing if anyone has pulled a box apart and has some spares. Which is also why I asked about the gearbox ;)

4th June 2014, 08:51 PM
Got part number and can find them on the internet, but too expensive to be worth it. No second hand ones around?