View Full Version : 4age carb with 4k dizzy

21st November 2014, 08:47 PM
Wassup guys. Wanting to start up on my carb build on my 4age and was wandering if I can run a ignition module(BIM024) and coil since I already have a modded 4k dizzy. Also, if I ran it this way then will I have any timing curve/advance.

Hen may possibly be a nut
23rd November 2014, 08:43 PM
I'm not 100% sure what you're asking, but hopefully I've understood you correctly.

There's probably a number of different 4K dizzys, but the ones I've looked at have had mechanical and vacuum advance. So these will still work on your 4A. The curves won't be perfect, but it'll be better than locked ignition timing. Also the 4K dizzy will have points, that you can connect directly to your coil. No need for an ignition module.

24th November 2014, 04:29 AM
Sweet, thanks a bunch and yes, you answered my question