View Full Version : Drifting - Please Read!

5th July 2009, 08:38 PM
Fellow Melbournians/Victorian's,

I'm writing this because i am fed up with all the crap the government is saying about "hoons" and "hotted up cars".
Now %90 of people have done a skid, or slid round a corner or lit em up at the lights or whatever.
As have i, alot of people go to the industrial estate's and have fun there, which in my opinion alot safer and smarter then in the middle of the street or in resedential area's, like alot of people do.
im not saying that we are angles's on the road (alot are) but i think it's stupid the people get there licence, buy a commodore and think there Micheal Shcumaker or Peter Brock. the put themselfs into a tree at 150kmh's and kill themselfs then laws get tuff on us.

After going for a drive earlyer tonight, and talking it through with some mates, we are trying to start a patition for, a drift track or a skid pan of some discription to be started up in victoria!

I know to alot of people this sound dumb, but i know a few professional drifters that said "if you get some good support, we will come down and teach some basic drifting techniques"

So what we are aiming for; The government to open up a track or something for use of drifting etc. because i dont know about you guys, But with the tax we pay i'd rather see it go towards something like this!
And if this goes ahead we could save live's on the road which will make it look like the government is doing there job, so really, everyone wins.

but if you think about it, have a few nights a week, say tuesday friday and saturday open for drifting with like $30 per driver for the night and $10 for spectators. and it beats paying $400 for speeding fines yeah..?

So guys/girls, let's get this going! lets all team up. let me know what YOU think.

thnaks for reading, Ben.

5th July 2009, 09:03 PM
Nooo, they don't have any tracks in victoria where you can go drifting, hey?



They don't hold practices and events there, do they?


I see the point you're trying to make, but you've made it very very poorly.

5th July 2009, 09:06 PM
Its a good idea and all and yeah, of couse I like many others would support it, however;

I simply dont see it happening, and there have been plenty of people before you look into getting somthing like this going.

Still, try your luck, if you want something to sign then give me a pen.

Edit: And yeah, as Javal said there is Winton, and Vicdrift do do a good job running events once every two or so months. Have you been?

5th July 2009, 10:09 PM
petition for Sandown to be open every night for skids and drift?

i'm in :)

Having Calder was good cos it was closer than Winton. wasn't as good to drive, but a fair tradeoff.

It's not so much the Government stopping the tracks being used, it';s the owners of the tracks, and in Sandown;s case, the residents close by.

IMHO, it wouldn't stop things like illegal skidding or street drags or street drifting, but the cops could go harder on the 'hoons' doing it on the street.

The Skaters have petitioned succesfully for many local skate parks with great success, so i wish you best of luck, and yes, i'd sign.


5th July 2009, 10:09 PM
i believe this has been tried in the past.
it all comes down to one thing,
Money beds

5th July 2009, 10:16 PM
I'm in two minds about the whole thing

for the sake of $100,000 dollars in Tax the Govt could build a track in a remote area but still be within 2 hours of the CBD.

I think the issue will come down to how far your willing to travel to do the sport

I for one can't be assed going 4 hours out of my way for a couple of hours on a track! but plenty do.

5th July 2009, 10:45 PM
Javal: sorry i'm not the best at explaining. trying to do it the best i can.
and not trying to be a smartass or rude but your from s.a.?

*e7*: yes, calder was good. i always used go down there, and it was easy to get to for alot of people.

as said, for me to get to winton is 3 n a half hours and is like that for alot people. im not bagging out winton or anything, but, for people that want to learn or just have fun sliding etc i think there can be a better solution then doing it on the street witch end's up killing people. then more laws come in.

as said about people will still do it in the street, well then they will eventualy get caught. but for people who want to do it in a place thats safer with no police then there should be a better solution.

I'm only one person here, alot of people with say "your mad it ill never happen" but i will try, and if others want to help then come on.

thanks for your advice and help so fair, Ben.

5th July 2009, 11:13 PM
start with carparks :D

3P Forky
5th July 2009, 11:25 PM
no offence, but i think you will find that most states are in the same situation...

ae71 kid
5th July 2009, 11:52 PM
im down for signing any petition you want! im a massive fan of winton and go regularly but it would be great to be able to drift more regularly closer to home! i get the itch every few nights!

5th July 2009, 11:53 PM
drifting is not like REAL motorsports (something people with loads of money oftenly will enter) create good profits for all those involved.

drifting will not generate revenue and profits so i dont think such a thing will happen.

6th July 2009, 01:20 AM
start with carparks :D

Sandown Raceway has heaps of carparks and they're huge. They should let us use that. They do defensive driving courses there, if they're allowed to hire that car park out, they should let other people hire it out (drifters/hoons :P ).

Close to home too..

6th July 2009, 01:37 AM
as rthy mentioned, its all about the money and alot of drifters have sweet fuckall even the pro's, im all for a track close to home just starting out and having a natural fear of my cars arch enemy aka. the gutter so yes more than happy to pen my name to have sandown or calder opened for us minimum once a week coz while i get the itch, no where to practice so learning to evade the natural fear.

most people here willing to sign something maybe get onto vicdrift and a local gov. member n see if enough names could force the government to help us convince people to open their tracks again.

Mr Fujiwara
6th July 2009, 02:12 AM
industrials hehe

6th July 2009, 07:30 AM
just to give all you guys a the downlow on the Money situation.

it will cost no more than 100,000 to build a track on already govt owned property (and there is lots of it)

my local small town just spent 120,000 on an environmentally friendly public toilet that I have never seen anyone use, and am damn sure no one asked for!

money won't be the problem! motivation is the problem, as said above about the skate parks, to take skaters off the streets they build skate parks

so to take drifters off the street why not build a drift track?

6th July 2009, 11:04 AM
^ couldnt of said any better

6th July 2009, 12:42 PM
The Vic Police wonder why they cant control all the illegal drags/burnouts/drifting, where else have people got to go?

dont worry, kevin rudds makes more money this way

6th July 2009, 01:21 PM
if i hear the 'h' word one more time....

why is it that car enthusiasts are the enemy. when better driver training and more events such as drift or racing will only make drivers better on public roads not send them into an out of control frenzy like the news suggests.

if someone were to wake up from a comma today and watch the news they might imagine that they would walk outside the hospital to find 'h' people ruling the streets with the smell of tire smoke thick in the air and the streets of Melbourne in total disarray.

6th July 2009, 02:17 PM
There is a new track getting built in packie about 45min drive out of the city s.e suburbs i made a post on NS about it in vic section with pictures and all but now i cant find it

it is a go kart complex with also a driver training skin pan like deca

6th July 2009, 03:06 PM
We tryed to do this in WA too. Set up a meeting with a polly and all. Their response was, 'We'd rather put the money into tv adds becuase they get through to more people'.

Unfortunatley our government does not give too shits about deaths on roads or there would be more extensive driver training.

Personally I don't think adds work. Good luck with your campaign though, and good on ya for trying.

6th July 2009, 08:00 PM
it will cost no more than 100,000 to build a track on already govt owned property (and there is lots of it)

Your joking right?

6th July 2009, 08:13 PM
Your joking right?

the new section at Chadstone the car park cost $400,000

not even 10% of that area would be a decant track!

6th July 2009, 08:33 PM
What do you call a decent track?

Look into the bitumen costs at Winton (track alone), I think you will find $100,000 is'nt going to get you very far.

6th July 2009, 08:38 PM
Its not even the cost to make the track, that could be arranged.
Its getting the land for one, land isn't cheap, and then in a suitable area to boot. And its not like they can say "ohhh that isn't being used, let's use that" Bit more than that to it.
But more importantly, it's creating all the infrastructure to sustain such a venture, and as others have said, its not going to be a highly profitable project, so why will they bother?
Doubt it happening.
That said, would happily sign anything thrown my way to support the cause, and would use it weekly.

8th July 2009, 12:45 AM
no offence, but i think you will find that most states are in the same situation...

no not really

vic fails for dori

and there is a track in werribie in the works there justwaiting for some more coin for asfalt

8th July 2009, 02:05 AM
i know its unlikely but, everyone is so negative at the suggestion.
it needs to be a wide spread plea for an appropriate complex, something for all.
everything from burnout pad, drag strip, propper circuit, dirt track and whatever else is needed. every group needs to be on board everyone from drift, grip, dragsters, bikes, even steal sprintcars for an extra event for them too, every form of motorsport that likes tarmac. get representatives from all these forms of motorsport to organise a meeting with CAMS and see if they will support the idea and then take it to both state and federal parliment. i know plenty of cops that would support the idea all the way and fight for it too (remember the police drag cars 'cop this' and 'cop that')

with enough noise and the right spin, anything can be done.

8th July 2009, 07:23 AM
i know its unlikely but, everyone is so negative at the suggestion.
it needs to be a wide spread plea for an appropriate complex, something for all.
everything from burnout pad, drag strip, propper circuit, dirt track and whatever else is needed. every group needs to be on board everyone from drift, grip, dragsters, bikes, even steal sprintcars for an extra event for them too, every form of motorsport that likes tarmac. get representatives from all these forms of motorsport to organise a meeting with CAMS and see if they will support the idea and then take it to both state and federal parliment. i know plenty of cops that would support the idea all the way and fight for it too (remember the police drag cars 'cop this' and 'cop that')

with enough noise and the right spin, anything can be done.

this is when the money thing comes in

look at Japan, they have dedicated drift tracks set on less than 10 acres, why because it's cheap to make!

if you want
ect ect ect involved you would have to build something like old Bob Jane did, and the fucking thing still doesn't get used!!!

you can still drag there every friday
you can do sprint events at every track in Vic almost any day of the week!
speedway seems to more a country thing, but I think they still do plent of events at Calder.

the only thing this state is missing is a dedicated Drift track, thats the only thing we need.

8th July 2009, 10:01 AM

Here you go guys found the info i was looking for


And i also belive there is a new track getting built in westen suburbs will need to speak to fink about that as i belive he helped with the designs and has driven on the dirt version of it

8th July 2009, 01:33 PM
they better build it, that is sweet as

8th July 2009, 01:52 PM
fuck yeah if these 2 tracks pop up Vic Drift will be alive again :D without a doubt ill be there weekly if not daily LOL

8th July 2009, 02:03 PM
maybe express our interest/want for it in a petition or what not just to make sure it gets built

looks like a good layout

8th July 2009, 02:14 PM
its only 30 mins from mine, success, wheres fink at???, maybe all of us should sign a petition under the name outrun

8th July 2009, 02:18 PM
well the internationl go kart track should be good enough :P

international karts tracks need to run superkarts and so on and they do like 160kph +

also the werribee one i could not find the picture but if you look at google maps over werribee i have never seen so many hores racing tracks/ or spint car tracks in my life LOL

quick edit fink knows about the west suburbs one the packie one he has nothing to do with

8th July 2009, 06:10 PM
Geez, those houses are'nt close at all.

8th July 2009, 06:32 PM
Thought exactly the same thing^.

8th July 2009, 07:39 PM
^ better then sandown, u got houses over the fence
they shud buy some of that farm land surrounding it so they dont start building houses there.

and/or make the surrounding area's a big industrial plan so there will b no houses near by

8th July 2009, 08:29 PM
who's up for some fund raising to make sure it happens?

8th July 2009, 08:47 PM
What do you call a decent track?

Look into the bitumen costs at Winton (track alone), I think you will find $100,000 is'nt going to get you very far.

Agree totally. I was involved in building an 800m kart track in 2002. The whole venue was around $1million to build.

*but good on the guy for wanting improve the situation. Circumstances change. Just because it has been tried before, doesn't mean it shouldn't be tried again. If that were the case, nothing would ever get done.*

8th July 2009, 10:26 PM
the packie track is a go kart track with driver training

so i doubt they will have club days prob street cars only and so on and lap timming and so on

8th July 2009, 11:57 PM
People are only negative at your suggestion because the same suggestion has been made several times over...

Its a valid suggestion, no one is arguing with that, however, especially with the whole stigmatization of hoons of late, even a public rally of support would be used as more press against hooning...

Best way I have heard the argument put is in relation to football fields... how many football fields per person do you think there are in the state... even if there is only 1% as many people who want to drive on tracks as play football, there is a massive gap in the facilities provided for each sport, however its also massively more expensive to build/maintain tracks and they are not as versatile either.

Valid suggestion, but regardless of that a public display for support will do little more than supply authorities with a list of "hooning" suspects... Sad but True

i know its unlikely but, everyone is so negative at the suggestion.
it needs to be a wide spread plea for an appropriate complex, something for all.
everything from burnout pad, drag strip, propper circuit, dirt track and whatever else is needed. every group needs to be on board everyone from drift, grip, dragsters, bikes, even steal sprintcars for an extra event for them too, every form of motorsport that likes tarmac. get representatives from all these forms of motorsport to organise a meeting with CAMS and see if they will support the idea and then take it to both state and federal parliment. i know plenty of cops that would support the idea all the way and fight for it too (remember the police drag cars 'cop this' and 'cop that')

with enough noise and the right spin, anything can be done.

9th July 2009, 01:04 AM
Thanks for your support and comments so far guy's! Good to see what people reckon about it.

who's up for some fund raising to make sure it happens?
yeh deffently!

so where do we go from here? i.e. petition wise and that?

9th July 2009, 08:40 PM
People are only negative at your suggestion because the same suggestion has been made several times over...

Its a valid suggestion, no one is arguing with that, however, especially with the whole stigmatization of hoons of late, even a public rally of support would be used as more press against hooning...

Best way I have heard the argument put is in relation to football fields... how many football fields per person do you think there are in the state... even if there is only 1% as many people who want to drive on tracks as play football, there is a massive gap in the facilities provided for each sport, however its also massively more expensive to build/maintain tracks and they are not as versatile either.

Valid suggestion, but regardless of that a public display for support will do little more than supply authorities with a list of "hooning" suspects... Sad but True

cheers for the input

it seems we have 2 ( unless someone comes up with a better 1) options;
1 do nuffin c n if it gets build
2 express our interest/ acceptance of the track as either car enthusiasts/ or general community ( with petition or what not)

14th July 2009, 04:32 PM
there is a new trck 10 minutes from my house but they are sooky c*&ts and dont want drifting on there cos on there last trck sliding got grass n shit on the track

old trck. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnnA1v7qw3c( when we could slide on it)

new one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azVlo3J9Lz0

14th July 2009, 09:59 PM
I guess that is what happens when people do dirt turbo shit

same thing caldar sooked up about

i got some footage of the old track with me and darren app on it with his old onevia LOL YAY to old privet drift days

18th July 2009, 06:43 PM
Put it closer to me and its a top idea!
All the good tracks are up melbourne way already.....greedy cunts!

we got dirt tracks!?
Think of the farmers that wanna slide........

16th October 2009, 12:04 AM
the peeps that hold most of the cards are the Cardinia Shire Council on the track in paki

we can get a template made up for the lazy ones, copy and past and add our own views/acceptance etc and send out emails

more info:

16th October 2009, 04:31 AM
you got my full support :D
there is hope!