View Full Version : haltech e8+1nz COPs+ra10 ? tacho

9th December 2014, 04:11 PM
finishing wiring of my 86
full zenki body looms
have wired in the haltech with the ra10, just want to know what people have used to make the original tacho work?
i hear people use the msd 8910 tacho adaptor, will this work with the ra10 and the COPs


10th December 2014, 05:33 PM
If there is a tacho output setting in the Haltech you can use this with a relay to create a tacho signal for the original cluster. You just need to connect pin 86 to the ECU output and the cluster, pin 85 will go to 12V IGN. The way it works is the coil in the relay mimics the signal created by the original coil, just take the case off and bend the contacts so it's not noisy.