View Full Version : Who has done the ae86 to s13 front suspension?

7th July 2016, 07:29 AM
Hey guys so I've just finished installing all my parts for my s13 front suspension/ steering swap into my 86 and was just wondering what issues some of you other guys who have done it have come across.
Parts I used:
-s13 hubs/brakes
-s13 lcas
-s13 coilovers (t3 tops)
-aw11 rack ends
-s13 tierod ends
-stock castor arms

Just having a issue with my steering gets tight at either end of lock like I'm having to force it to turn sharper. Pretty certain it's binding up but just wondering what solutions anyone had? Prefer to not modify cross memeber.

15th July 2016, 09:59 AM
This has been covered heaps on this forum, a search should have turned something up.

Anyway, S13 LCA is far too long for starters, try changing it out for an R31 LCA. Also the standard castor arms probably aren't offering enough castor. Might be time to look into some aftermarket ones. You will be experiencing bind, this set up usually works better with cut and shut S13 knuckles as MOST guys that do them (JDI for example) drop the knuckle pick up as well as shortening it, hence changing the angle of your rack -> tie rod -> tie rod end line.

28th November 2016, 10:16 PM
Offset steering spacers will also help the bind issue.

Moving the steering rack really isn't that hard if you are relatively handy. I did it with a friend and we had the whole job done in an afternoon...

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12th December 2016, 11:52 AM
I would avoid offset steering spacers like the plague. especially with a little 86 rack. The off-axis loads put on the rack shaft itself is enough to shear rack ends and even bend the rack itself.

The issue is most likely coming from too MUCH caster. Anything more than 5 degrees in an 86 is pushing it. Do you mean you're using the stock 86 castor arms, or the stock S13 ones?

12th December 2016, 11:58 AM
I would avoid offset steering spacers like the plague. especially with a little 86 rack. The off-axis loads put on the rack shaft itself is enough to shear rack ends and even bend the rack itself.

The issue is most likely coming from too MUCH caster. Anything more than 5 degrees in an 86 is pushing it. Do you mean you're using the stock 86 castor arms, or the stock S13 ones?
Yeah that's a fair point about the strength :D

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12th December 2016, 02:11 PM
Yeah, i really wish that the time, money and material spent in developing such a thing had of gone towards making offset rack bushes instead!

That and people that do this conversion with knuckles without moving the rack in the crossmember really need to know the value of a good lock stop lol.

12th December 2016, 02:35 PM
Yeah moving the rack is a daunting task, but in reality it's pretty simple from a fab point of view and a really good way of cleaning up the conversion..

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