View Full Version : Jacking car up question

Steve Vang
3rd March 2017, 05:31 AM
Sorry dumb question but i have to ask. My 85 gts e brake cable is snapped. I have a new cable but i need to get under the car. Would the car roll if I jacked the front but left it in gear?

3rd March 2017, 10:05 AM
Your best bet is to put a brick or something in front of the car so it doesn't roll. It shouldn't roll in gear, but it can.

Steve Vang
3rd March 2017, 12:53 PM
So i should jack from the rear and put bricks at the front tire then instead of jacking the front, bricks at rear tires?

3rd March 2017, 01:07 PM
Yes it can roll if you jack the rear up, if you leave it on the jack by itself. Use axle stands to be safe and bricks in front of the the front wheels.

31st May 2017, 09:14 PM
I agree on using axle stands. There are cheap ones that are still sturdy.

Hen may possibly be a nut
1st June 2017, 11:25 AM
Jack whichever end you need to get up in the air. Replacing the handbrake cable would likely be possible with only the rear on stands, though it might be tight at the lever end.

Always chock the wheels on the ground so that they don't roll. Always use jackstands if you're going to get under a car, and if you are taking wheels off then lie them under the chassis rails too as a backup.