View Full Version : Catch can setups.

9th August 2009, 02:23 PM
CAR -ae86

MOTOR -3sge beams

USE -Daily

PROBLEM/QUESTION -need to find a fun way to alter the pcv to catch can

OCCURS/STARTED WHEN -i try to fit the engine


Gist is i have blacktop quads fitted to the beams. the throttle pivot wants to throw straight at the pcv exit on the head. And its a big fucker. Wandering if anyone knows if

a: 20v pcv fit or if they have one i can borrow for 5 mins to find out :)

b: If its not going into the inlet, as i dont have one, does it need a pcv? can i just run and open pipe arrangment to the catchcan?

Thanks guys

10th August 2009, 10:53 AM
pat are the cam covers a single peice or 2 peice like a 4age? you could swap them around..
or run the quads up side down?

guestimation on the 20v PCV is 10mm i think if the beams one is bigger i dunno, maybe pirtek or something can make a bent one?

as for a catch can look at what ORIDO has for sale its a pretty neat set up where the JDM washer goes.

10th August 2009, 11:52 AM
yeah have it sorted i think.... the cam covers arent interchangeable, both have an inlet, one for fresh air in and one the pcv for conrolling the pressurized air out.

Im thinking because im not running to the inlet, i dont have one :), then i dont need the valve to stop the inlet manifold air going in ??? so i should be able to just run straight outlet to the can?

thats what i want anyways lol

10th August 2009, 07:11 PM
so sort of like an RB26?

if thats the case, you should be able to run them together straight to the catch can.