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Thread: levin to trueno??? get you pop ups working right!!!

  1. #1
    Veteran slide86's Avatar
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    Default levin to trueno??? get you pop ups working right!!!

    hey all . i noticed alot of peopel having truble when converting your levin to a trueno to get the light to go up and down , it took me a while but i fund out alot of useful stuff

    once u have the pannels and light hooked up you going to need go to toyota and get 2 relay switchs

    1 relay light retractor , part number 85964- 12010 its going to set you back about $120 big ones
    2 light retractor control , part number 85963- 14011 and this one is aboutt he same $ 130

    the parts will have to come from japan, and u will ahve to wait for 6 weeks to get them
    This is what i did untill i got the guys at toyota to search what other cars had the same relay switchs in them,
    All the 81 to 85 celica's if they have pop up lights have the same relay switchs in them , so to save $250 go to the wreckers and try and find one of these old cars you see heaps of them around. they should be located at the front between the lights on a bracket, the other is under the dash.

    Got My lights wired up yesterday all works well page 30 and 31 of the manual is all you need
    apparently you need an extra relay the auto electritan can make it up him self and put in i dont know where its ment to go. bu apparently they added one .

    cost me about $750 bucks a somthign a bit chiffty there considering i suplyed the 2 of the 3 relays and all the wireing maps, $700 for a days work.....

    the manual

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Good article, The way i did mine was went and got a relay out of a new celica, and it does away with all 3, its all contained in one unit, just played with it on the kitchen table till i got it working. (st205 or something)

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