Thought this could be a cool idea. Post up some of your favorite wallpapers! Doesn't need to be car related, just high resolution so people can use them.
Here's a few to start off:
i have hundreds. sooo not posting them all up
If that FD wp wasn't so set up, sherlock, it would be a maaaad photo.
sherlock yours are way to small to be wallpapers :\
anyways, best site
I think they got a bit scaled when I attached them. Oh well, keep posting guys, I wanna see some cool ones![]()
pretty basic but a nice change from cars or chicks etc or if you work in a conservative environment
Also I had a pretty cool screen saver that was a watch face and used the comp's internal clock to keep time on my other PC
(Similar ones from , (go to: services - goodies), too)
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