hey guys,

we are flying out monday morning for tasmania. Everything has been going great, but today crazy shit has happened to the car.

its a lil 121 bubble mazda. Started making a weird bit of noise this morning, and by the time we got back from running round, its dumping coolant all over the place. get the bonnett up and one of the bolts holding the front cover of the engine on has snapped at some point and is allowing coolant to piss everywhere... will get pics soon.

here is my problem, and need for favours. EVERYTHING i own in the way of tools is in a shipping container on the way to tas. i have literally nothing to fix this, and the car has to get us to the airport monday.

even if the dodgiest fix in the world, i REALLY REALLY need someone to come and help me out this arv or tomorow???

Can supply beer of choice and ever lasting gratitude....

reaslly need some help guys

pm or call me if you can help 0422 868 928
