anyone know what wheels i should get i got about 2-300bux to spend
heres my first toyota, i smashed my silvia so i decided to come from the dark side and buy a ae71 4age!!.
heres a few pics need to update but camera broken
no more bucket seat
more soon wen i get respray and wheels
Last edited by madi86; 25th February 2009 at 02:37 PM.
4ac ae86 levin - daily
anyone know what wheels i should get i got about 2-300bux to spend
4ac ae86 levin - daily
Vault Crystals
clean car man is this running?
yer its running just gotta get it all cleaned up like little bit of rust in the boot, stripped interior, just pulled my roll cage out (roll cage for sale btw), re-spray and the bell-housing that cover were the gearbox meets the engine isnt there so i think buddy parts is gonna help me out with all that but hopefull all up and running in the next week
4ac ae86 levin - daily
hahah no way vaults are disgusting!!!! maby if i had a vl commy dropped on its ass with a southern cross sticker on the back window
4ac ae86 levin - daily
get some 14" volk meshies with good offsets
roll the guards before the spray
and spray a nice simple non attention seeking colour
love that car make clean and simple ... although get that drift seat removed and go a simple interior also may i suggest a simple white for the colour
. h i t o r i k o .
yer i wanted to go white but i really want like midnight blue with a gold flake through it (slidespecks got it in red) yer the guy took at the seat before he sold it to me
4ac ae86 levin - daily
No flakes or pearls on ke70's!
Just go white or grey or something plain but fresh
Good luck with it mate
I may have some wheels forsale soon if your keen for about 400 for the set.
oh yer what are they may be interested
4ac ae86 levin - daily