Just looks like ultra flexi hose with some end clamps... nothing special. Looks more for aesthetics more than practicality...
Hi all
i need help i once saw a guy on the forum use this type of hose on his 20v rwd water conversion.
I would just like to know where i can buy it for.
Just looks like ultra flexi hose with some end clamps... nothing special. Looks more for aesthetics more than practicality...
the hose that im after doesnt actually go over the hose.
It's pipe that you can bend to what ever angle you like.
do you get what i mean?
My 20v will use 2 radiator hoses from Toyota, to suit AE86-4AG. I better hurry up and make the rest of it.
I'm no help, sorry.
I'm thinking of getting these made up so you wouldn't have to worru about that pipe
question is your thermostat located behind the water pump
what set up is that if you dont mind me asking looks clean
It's just a RWD water pump with the inbuilt thermostat.
Check the pictures on the second page of my build.
tin can, there are these things (Australian invention, has since been bought by Gates) called Unicoil. Essentially will allow you to have most rubber hose (fuel or heater) up to 1" Internal Diameter in size in a molded shape. It doesn't actually mold them, but it holds the hose in the shape you want them. Available from Repco and eBay.(On eBay AU do two searches, one for "Unicoil" and one for "Unicoils", will provide two good vendors)
I found them about a week ago, ordered a fair few today. Look freaking great for doing conversions. I intend on using them on my AE86 to decrease the amount of hose that's hanging around the place.
here is a better picture of what i am looking for.
dave2221 if you see this please help.