i got buddyclub ones when the dolla was great, from these guys they cost me $120 each at the time.. or their abouts
their adjustable, my brides are 295mm mount to mount i think
anyone know if sparco side mount seat rails are similar to bride side mount rails? anyone know where i can buy a bride side mount rail from? no sponsors here seem to do them. also how much difference is there between ke70 and ae86 rails? what has to be modded to fit the 86 rail to the ke70 floor pan.?
thanks guys
olympic gold keto
i got buddyclub ones when the dolla was great, from these guys they cost me $120 each at the time.. or their abouts
their adjustable, my brides are 295mm mount to mount i think
guessing this is the them.? how do i know they are gonna fit in a ke70 or close enough? im guessing i want a "right" on for the drivers seat? pretty keen to get thr bride in my car. anyone know anyone selling side mount rails give me a yell...
olympic gold keto