pics may help
The kit in question is a genuine BN SPORTS bodykit to suit trueno (front bar, rear bar, side skirts) as well as flared 50mm guards also to suit trueno where given to a person on the gold coast to fix up the cracks in the front bar and as payment the i owuld allow them to copy the kit. I have not heard anyword and am unable to get in touch with the person in question. Thus it is not considered stolen goods. These kits are not common and only one has appeared on the gold coast recently in used condition.
Last edited by rich_86; 20th March 2009 at 08:47 PM.
pics may help
i hate fibreglass
ok this is what has gone down.
rich put up a thread on dc asking for people that do fibreglass work. i said yeh i know a guy that had done work on my mates car and now sponsors him. so rich must have gotten in contact with him and he got over excited and started this thread promising parts when the fibreglasser hadnt even started his body kit mould.
now rich cant get in contact with him as he used his "genuine' bn kit to make a mould so he could copy it (front bar has a massive streeter wave so not sure if it is genuine)
i receive a phone call at like 9.30 a few weeks ago and it was rich and he was all pissed off and was asking where his body kit was. he was talking to me like a piece of shit and that i had stolen it. so i told him i have never had anything to do with the fibreglasser personally and i only know off my mate that he fixed his laurel down at parklands and wanted to get a name for his work within the drift scene.
next somehow rich asks if i have josh youngs number as he thinks josh gets his glass work done through the same guy, and he also has which looks to be bn side skirts in his new build thread. now rich has been posting heaps in josh's build thread asking where they were from. and from what i know of josh and i'm sure many of you do, he would not steal some kents skirts, nor would he pay the amount bn skirts are worth.
last week i got a phone call again late at night froma girl who wanted to get a bn body kit and wanted to know if i knew any one that had one. i dont even know why she would call me and she just said that she'd seen me on dc a bit and thought i'd know. so i go through the whole story with her that i dont know where a bn kit is and why would u pay 2.5k for a body kit.
by that stage it was pretty obviouse she was calling on behalf of rich as somehow he still thinks i have his body kit or know where it is. she then also asks for josh's number. again why?
so she calls the fibreglasser and what a surprise. its 10 pm and he didnt pick up. of course not.
so rich. stop beating around the bush. u obviously dropped the kit off somewhere, go see him. leave me out of it, i have nothing to do with your body kit, the fibreglasser or your shady group buy.
stroked 2L ca18-ae86 in the build...eta xmas 2012?
Stolen & given to someone are a totally different story legally, Ive been through the lot, keep this stuff off the forums, Ive met Rich, nice guy, even seen the trueno - the kit, but this is no place.
did i mention you johl? no i did not
few things if you want to be involved. the wave you claim in the front bar is front zip ties holding it up as a temp thing. with the other glass works i spoke to the glasser and we came to an agreement on a few items.
its been 4 months with very little word on my kit im sure most people would start to be pissed off at this stage. i had never accused you of stealing my kit in anyway either. i know you dont have my bodykit.
2 stories on the josh kit. here you say you kow nothing but you also said that carl was having a group buy and that josh bought some already. a who buys skirts that have already been drilled? and then go oh they dont fit on his car. 2 posts in 2 weeks in this thread and no reply
who would pay 2500 for a kit well look at the yen and the cost of shipping for a new bn kit as well as hand flared guards from japan and how much is that?
i have tried getting in contact with the glasser everyday for the last week calls and sms all within reasonable times and there is no reply and no answer so i put this up.
so in no way did i involve or suggest you did this.
sort it out off the net. locked.