Assorted barbecued meats.
whats there to eat out there. eat too much asian as im asian, too much fast food.. is there any other good food out there...
ps dont want food poison. my mate got it last week and seems like UBER EPIC FAIL!!!
Assorted barbecued meats.
You can have any brew you want... as long as it's a Datsun / Corolla / What is that?
Italian? Go for some real decent pasta like Ravioli/Gnocchi.
when im poor and hungry, i make mashed potato, put pumpkin through it, then when its almost finished being mashed up some peas and corn and diced bacon, then wack it on my plate and eat with a spoon.
other than that im basically carnivorous, oh and corn on the cob, addicted to that shit, even grew my own for a while, smear margarine on it, steak spice, little bit of bbq sauce, wrap in ally and chuck on the bbq. so good.
i just ate fench toast for the first time in about 3 years
not too bad for a quick eat
i am also a huge fan of mashed potato
Formerly: sprinters_r_mad
i usually have 2 minute noodles with cheese, sweet chilli and whatever leftovers are in the fridge. Mix it all together and there you have a yummy brain-looking meal
or curry... mmmm
heres some food.
i feel sick
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2000 Lexus IS200 - Cruiser