For sale:
1. 2x pair of std LCA's - 25a pair
2. Front swaybar - Free
3. Stock castor rods with mounts - 20bucks
4. 4age spark plug cover - GONE
5. strut tops 1xpr jdm(more castor)/1x pr adm - 25 the lot
6. 2x pr front ADM brake calipers - 25 a pair
7. T18 axles (not drum to drum) - 150 the pair
8. headlights/front parking lights - $ask
9. ADM tailshaft - free
10. windage tray? - free
11. Clutch slave cylinder JDM I think? - 30bucks
Condition: Used
Contact Details: Post in this thread OR PM me
Location: NOR Perth, WA
Delivery & Conditions of Delivery: Perth only for big/heavy items.
Extra Info:
Will add more stuff later
Feel free to make an offer if you don't like the price.
Have lots more stuff, so if your after a specific item then let me know and I'll see if I got it.
Items 10,11
Might be interested in the headlights and parklights, pending condition and price. Talk to me on msn ian
1983 AE86 ADM rust spec goodness track car build - end of the road
1984 AE86 Silver ADM mk2 daily build - SOLD
1984 AE86 ADM granny car daily now 4AGZE - SOLD
1983 AE86 ADM Engine Conversion Slut - SOLD
2002 IS200 6spd - new daily in progress
1986 AE86 JDM GT-Apex Levin Notchback ready to roll......
all pm's replied to
Nikkoejoe: let me know what you want man, it's all going quick.
first post edited
sorry david
don't have the front half
headlights still available? im interested in the front left