Nice work guys.
This is my first vid, i had alot of other shots i wanted to throw in but being on the vimeo's free account i was only allowed 500mb per upload so i found myself trimming alot off to fit this in.
But yeh shots are made with a D90 on a 18-125 i think I think next time i'll rent out a lens thatll allow me to zoom closer.. otherwise im okayish with the end product..
C&C Welcome!
Nice work guys.
looks good.
youtube = much higher than 500mb.
cars looking beautifly setup and well driven!
sort of makes me want to make another na screamer
really? awesome i might use youtubbe next time. they do high quality stuff yeh?
vimeo is much more esteticly(spelling?) pleasing. way way way. more
youtube is just fingered now
if your looking for hd stuff dont even bother with youtube and just use vimeo.
otherwise - youtube.
Fuck my camera mount worked good hehehe
great work James
Yeh it worked fantastic thanks Beau.
Im sending off cd's of the videos of both of you guys to travballs sometime soon so yeah.sorry it took so long boys haha the workload at uni got so crazy so quick i was abit overwhelmed.