I got you 4ac air filter, if you can be assed coming to get it
brand new
pick up Monbulk, east Melbourne.
Hey guys...
I put my 86 in for a RWC today to see what it needs, and wellit needs alot.. but only minor little things..
Anyway here is a list of what i need:
Oh and obviously all will need to be in RWC condition
- Drivers side rear seatbelt buckle
- Tailgate trim
- Pan hard rod bushes
- Rear shocks lower rubbers
- Left hand tierod end boot
- Driver and passenger front seat belt buckles (rubbery plastic section must not be broken)
- Air filter for 4AC Carby
- Ash tray
- Trim bit around steering column. The lower half
- Indicators from front bumper (ADM)
And possibly front bumper (seeing if i can repair mine)
Im in Melbourne metro
Let me know!
Last edited by opedhead; 29th April 2009 at 03:56 AM.
I got you 4ac air filter, if you can be assed coming to get it
brand new
pick up Monbulk, east Melbourne.
Thanks blacktopspirit but I got the air filter sorted
Here's an update:
- Seatbelt Stalks: I'm missing one rear stalk, and the two front are intact, but the plastic on them is a bit f*ed and is declared un-roadworthy because the plastic bits may fray the rest of the seatbelt in time. Not a single wrecker had one. I may try and repair rather than spending $100 per belt.
But if anyone has front stalks or a rear stalk or even knows a model which is inter-changable please PM me
- Tailgate trim (required because of wires underneath) STILL WANT - no wrecker had one, I suppose I can make one, but I'd still prefer to buy one
- Pan hard bushes - sorted
- Tie rod boots - sorted
- Air Filter - sorted
- Ash tray (not for RWC) but I STILL WANT one. Couldn't find a wrecker with one
- Trim bit around steering column. Lower half (required because of wires underneath) I STILL WANT one. No wrecker had one
- Front bar. I'd still like to buy one, let me know what you have for how much
- RWD 4AC distributor. WANT.The points are badly worn on mine
All for 1985 ADM Sprinter
Feel free to call or sms me (dont leave a voice mail message.. I havent checked them in YEARS
- James
0411 751 278
no probs I'll check my KE70 stalks for you as I would think they are interchangeable
and come to think of it I might have a 4ac distributor as well, with new points!
I'll check it all out and get back to you
- Seatbelt Stalks
Mine are kind fucked in the AE86, I'd say just cut off the plastic where it its damaged, and make it the same on both sides.
- Tailgate trim
Highly unlikely you'll find one, their just thin mdf anyway, most people who'd pull them off don't have the patience remove all the tiny clip thingos, hence why you wont find one
- RWD 4AC distributor. WANT
Get an AE82 4AC distributor, no more points, its electric.
Thanks blacktopspirit!
Golberg: So the AE82 distributor is actually interchangable, even though its for a FWD car?... A wrecker i went to told me there were two different types (i think single vac and double vac?) and that they weren't interchangable... those bastards!!
Yep, its a common conversion, mainly just so you can get rid of those awful points.